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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. The best look by far for anyone that’s not PF is the CMC.
  2. Yeah I’m not sure what some people were looking at. It most definitely was not snowy
  3. These warranties also cover a bunch of stuff that your insurance policy covers, so you’d basically be paying twice for the same thing. They wanted like 1200 bucks for glass replacement with no deductible. I have that coverage on my insurance policy and I don’t think it adds up to that much money. I think that is a pretty standard coverage for most insurance in mass too, so I can’t imagine why’d you’d need to buy that.
  4. Yeah, not surprising. I think they make most of their money from add ons, fees, and selling warranty policies. I got a bunch of horror stories about this that and the other thing from the guy. I felt like saying, if this is all true, you should probably start selling better cars.
  5. It’s like the models show something half decent to suck everyone in, and then take a steaming dump all over the place right after
  6. Yeah, my last vehicle I purchased a warranty, I was kind of inexperienced and the whole process seemed to be rushing along and I thought I really needed it. Cost me like 3000 and I never used it, not once, before it expired. I said no to everything on this one. It’s certified pre owned and I have like 40+k left on the power train plus some additional warranties that come with a gmc certified pre owned. It isn’t worth it. Not sure how reputable a number this is, but I’ve seen after doing some research that those finance folks can take anywhere from 25 to 50! Percent of the cost of the warranty home. That shows you how useless they are, half the cost is just a commission basically. He was pretty bad at hiding the fact that he wasn’t happy
  7. Buying a car is still kind of the worst though. Although, this experience wasn’t as bad as others. was able to get money off the price and more for my trade with some negotiation... mostly done online. Finance guy was kind of a dink after I declined all warranties they offer, (which were like half the price of the truck in some instances). My guess is a lot of the money he makes is tied to that
  8. https://www.robertsonsgmc.com/VehicleDetails/certified-2017-GMC-Sierra_1500-Double_Cab_Standard_Box_4_Wheel_Drive_SLT-Wareham-MA/3574648303 purcahsed this vehicle today. Thanks for the help everyone
  9. NAM is back to clipping se areas from the initial low
  10. Yeah goalposts on where snow may come from keep shifting... but it may snow sometime this weekend. The sat night deal is mostly there to varying degrees on models. Ranging from flakes to a few inches
  11. I’m just busting lol. Whether the thread is pinned or not isn’t going to affect how much snow I get.
  12. Could be a surprise... some models have it on and off. I guess it get unpinned if some folks aren’t in the game
  13. Some models still advertising precip getting into se areas
  14. Meh... everything else did. The euro has blown just as bad if not worse than everything else for this “threat”, so the other models moving was interesting. Obviously with the shift back at 6z it was just a head fake. And yeah.... time to punt this one to the moon
  15. My guess is it’s going to be tough to make up the difference.... the look still isn’t really a good one for SNE... and you see how little we’ve been able to do so far this year
  16. As I said... no expectations. The models moved west at 00z and moved back East at 6z. It is what it is. Im not going to whine about missing a few inches of slop in late January, just Discussing possible outcomes
  17. It’s probably trivial in the end, but clearly something changed to have everything pretty uniformly move west
  18. Yup... that gets west of Boston. Solid west bump on all models so far at 00z.... still like 30-36 hours away. There is some decent precip lurking if we can bump west a bit more
  19. 18z was off the cape at 18z now reaches TAN... nice shift
  20. Nice bump west from 18z... still some time.
  21. My expectations are 0.... just keeping an eye on it. NAM has been pretty insistent on getting precipitation from that lead low in here. maybe we score a surprise.
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