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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. On second thought I might go with Callaway strata. Cheaper and pretty good reviews. They don’t say Callaway on them so they must be made by some company loosely associated with them lol
  2. My father in law is a big golfer... I wouldn’t be surprised if he had $5k worth of clubs in his bag if not more. Ultimately a club is a club. If you suck you suck, If you’re good you’re good.
  3. After getting about a half dozen recommendations... went with the Wilson staff the first set I linked.... we’ll see how they are
  4. Will do.... very expensive. I went to a local golf place today and to put together a whole set it was going to be a lot... even used. Any opinions on the above 2 links?
  5. Golf folks.... went to a local store today... even used equipment going to run me a lot. Deciding between these two sets, any advice? https://www.amazon.com/Wilson-Profile-Platinum-Package-Regular/dp/B07WVKRH26?ref_=ast_bbp_dp&th=1&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Wilson-Ultra-Package-Handed-Regular/dp/B07WRCNZ3H?ref_=ast_bbp_dp&th=1&psc=1
  6. I tend to agree. The landscape is coming alive around here. Greening up... bulbs popping up... buds on trees
  7. Yeah... we had that little MLK weekend storm. I meant we got 0 snow in what is traditionally our snowiest month
  8. 0.0” for Feb here... snowiest month of the year
  9. So dicks has whole sets for a beginner for like 200 bucks new lol. Is there anything wrong with that for a few years?
  10. I actually was looking online and see whole sets used on eBay for 2 or 300 bucks
  11. Any golfers here have any suggestion on clubs for someone on a budget? I was looking on eBay and at used stuff.....is that a no go or?
  12. Agree. In moderation and within limit, both can have positive effects. Like you said, the problem is, most or many do not use them sparingly. And as always, most folks pimp their substance as the best and it doesn’t hurt them it’s better etc etc. My guess is there will be pretty clear protocol within the next few years regarding driving while high. It really is no different than drinking and driving. If you are using marijuana, you should not be driving, period. Same with alcohol. Im not personally a marijuana user, but the lack of long term research about all these new forms of intake, and the general lack of long term substantiated research about it period would make me a bit uneasy.
  13. I truthfully haven’t seen a single person getting sucked in. Just discussion... and like yesterday and to a lesser degree overnight... the Canadian continues to be insistent on SE Mass getting into the fringe of the heavy precipitation... verbatim... a nice overnight event
  14. CMC is actually pretty nice around here
  15. Where do you have the cmc out to 60? Only out to 12 on TT
  16. Yeah... nobody is forcing them to track it... if you are out on the threat... leave the thread or ignore the posts... I think we’ve seen enough of the don’t do it or it’s over or etc etc posts. I expect nothing but maybe we sneak something in. 12z icon looks okay
  17. Like my mindset has been the whole time, expect nothing, see what happens.
  18. It is what it is. It’s what’s on the board so we keep an eye on it. Looks pretty warm moving forward, so this may be it
  19. Those of us close enough to getting a couple inches care, a shift here or there could put some folks in SE Mass in the game
  20. 12z NAM dove back SE. not a good start to 12z
  21. Yeah... icon actually looks close to something better. Pretty frustrating storm in an incredibly frustrating winter. Some guidance keeps oscillating just enough that a few ticks here and there might produce some snow for Se areas.
  22. I know nobody wants to hear it, but trend so far at 00z has been to inch that Saturday storm back a bit closer
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