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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. . But it’s still 5 days away!! Ifs congealing way to far east, it’s just a total non starter in that position.
  2. Going to need to see a move in the next few runs here.
  3. Come on man. We can only go off what it shows right now. It being 5 days out isn’t a scientific reason it’s going to improve.
  4. I honestly don’t care at this point, if we run into something in the next 6 weeks I’ll welcome it, but like the last couple seasons, this has become a tedious exercise at this point. i haven’t been following this closely after the last couple days but it looks like we are going to manage to get the double shit sandwich here. The storm is going to be weak, and north, therefore, slop.
  5. This has about the same upside as the 17th, in my opinion. Look at where the mean on a lot of these ensembles are, that should tell you all you need to know. This thread is quite because I think people are sick of tracking 1-3” glancing failures.
  6. Yeah, everything is awesome, all the time, that’s how you gotta post here. looks great for Nova Scotia!
  7. You know a good storm is coming when the mean is halfway to Tobacco Bay.
  8. Kind of misleading, that includes the squalls, Tuesday Wednesday deal etc. the mean for that event is like 1/3 of what it shows there
  9. This isn’t a real thing. It’s been said time and time again. Real threat this is a fish storm.
  10. This is likely going to be a Nova Scotia or fish storm. It’s good to prepare for that
  11. Ehh, I’d feel better if I was in Nova Scotia for this one
  12. I’ve pretty much removed myself from this discussion, because I’m tired of tracking crap, and 1-2” Of snow does nothing but mess up my commute Tuesday. However, it’ll probably at least cover the grass if you’re into that type of thing
  13. I’m encouraged by the snow this week. Don’t know if it’ll be enough to snowmobile Franconia notch though
  14. You got like 20” of snow last week lol. You are about the only person here who shouldn’t be upset how this winter has gone
  15. What’s the snowpack like up in North Conway now? Seems like they had a pretty good week. Another 5” today or so
  16. Can’t remember the last time we got actual accumulating snow from a squall line
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