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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. There still aren’t many that are actually hits here. Overnight runs were interesting, but I’m not sure I’d call them “good”
  2. The gfs is only about 40-50 miles away from a region wide crusher. A slightly later phase and maybe a tick south would have destroyed. Again, it’s not likely, but there is a path.
  3. Taking a glass half full approach, it wouldn’t take much to get that cooler down here. Not likely, but not impossible
  4. That’s a congrats powderfreak and Montreal look if I’ve ever seen one. Mainly inland runners skewed by a few members halfway to Bermuda. Buckle up for more rain!”.
  5. I immediately thought it was odd that the first course of action was to fire the ski instructor. Now that more has come out, I do find it hard to believe all these folks ducked ropes or ignored signage, as they weren’t even all together. My guess is there is some operating flaw where the ability to make this mistake is “too easy” and it’s not easily correctable, so we’ll likely never know.
  6. Canadian is a weak advisory event south of pike. I’d rather role the dice with a stronger solution like 12z
  7. Dont like the dueling areas of convection. That’s a surefire way to get a mundane solution.
  8. Why do you get so bent out of shape about climate change talk, it’s kind of weird. It’s likely going to help your winters in terms of larger snowfalls, at least in the short term. Throwing a tantrum anytime someone mentions it doesn’t change the facts.
  9. True. The 6z gfs is about the textbook look to get this to work SOP
  10. I’ve been saying this for days now, this isn’t really interesting for SOP in any form, even up until you get near Hubb and Ineedrain. Zero confidence this will thread the needle needed to get a snow event here
  11. Sneaky one of my favorites over the last decade. I had a job interview the next day and remember going to bed and the general tenor was that this didn’t look good and to not expect much. Woke up to the sound of plows going by with 7-8” of pure fluff. Its hard to get a true surprise these days, but this definitely was one.
  12. It’s been kind of freeing taking a step back from everything a bit. This has been an exhausting hobby for 2+ years now. Ill be happy to track something if it is imminent, but other than that, counting down the days until we get some sustained warmth in here and can turn the page to spring and summer activities.
  13. Comparing this to 12-13 isn’t a good analog. Most people got a nice December storm that year and we had some nice cold settling in for late Jan and we were staring down the barrel of Nemo in the first week of Feb. We’re already past the point that season was making its comeback. I think the best anyone in SNE can hope for at this point is a couple of swings at a large ticket event. You can toss retention and all that other stuff out the window, it’s not happening. My guess is for SNE, we end up with a 7-10 day window with a couple of shots, then it’s over.
  14. Just got in from North Conway. They’ve definitely been pretty lucky up that way I think. Heading south on the Spaulding highway, after about a half hour the snow conditions were pretty sketchy. We saw people snowmobiling but there couldn’t have been more than 3-4” on the ground. Different world up in bear notch obviously.
  15. Pretty wintry day here. Flurries/light snow while snowmobiling and a light coating in town tonight. Despite there being 3+ feet of snow off the trails, our guide was telling us they could used another 6+ dump, as the trails have been getting ridden pretty hard and beat up.
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