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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Thanks wolfie, I appreciate it. I’ve been around, just been busy obviously, I’m hanging in there, moving forward, all you can do. And good lord, I’ve had enough water, it’s crazy. I’m done.
  2. Checking in. Obviously have disappeared, been busy with divorce activities lol. Pounding pellets as I head down 24 through Brockton
  3. Coating of snow this morning, remaining safe.
  4. Bulbs coming up all over the place, forsythia buds swelling. We spring
  5. It’s still dog food for 2k in southern Vermont in late Feb. he should probably have like 3-4 feet on the ground
  6. As usual, unless you live within 5 miles of the water, it’s a fine day.
  7. Looks like great golf weather if we can dry things out just a bit
  8. It helps people sleep at night to just dismiss it as some random cyclical deal that happens all the time. The response it elicited is about what I’d expect lol.
  9. I actually agree with this. I find the rhetoric of garbage springs around here to be pretty greatly exaggerated. Sure, if you live in the beach it’s probably not great, but otherwise, meh.
  10. The bill has come due for all those amazing years around here. Might as well be a lifetime ago.
  11. Thanks guy, appreciate it. And who knows at this point. We’ll see what happens in the coming weeks/months, I’d love to move north
  12. That Saturday deal looks pretty good coming out of the Midwest and then it just flys right offf the coast. Not even an attempt to come north
  13. Well, 6” will do it. Absolute cement for the first 4, too 2 weren’t to bad. Got to use my snowblower I bought in Dec 2020 For only the 3rd time. Chewed right through this stuff like a champ. Anyways, on some dumpier news, my wife and I are separating, so no idea how much longer I’ll be in this house/area. Enjoyed this event even with all of its flaws
  14. 6” or so. Picked up some more in the last hour. Really has the vibe of like an April event. Not much accums under trees etc etc.
  15. I know everyone has been giving me congrats and what not all all morning, but pretty underwhelming here. Couple of inches, roads just slushy
  16. No, there just is no dynamics like I was just saying. So the .3 of so of qpf here is basically just slop/white rain.
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