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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. lol… beautiful lake and area but the weather has been an absolute dud so far. barely cracked 60 today and saw the sun for the first time on the trip
  2. Going to Newfound lake Saturday to Saturday. looks okay from Monday on?
  3. What a storm here. Marble sized hail, frequent thunder and lightning
  4. Heading to North Conway tomorrow until Sunday. Weather looks pretty good. Hiking is off the table obviously but still should be fun.
  5. Whenever I try to lightly push off the pain is in the large part of the calf. Definitely not hammy though, it’s in the lower half of the leg. I wish it was though lol
  6. Good for her, congrats, that’s impressive. i can see it, yes. And I can full extend knee and push toes down like I’m pressing a gas pedal. Thompson test at urgent care was also negative
  7. Scorcher today. Moved my appointment for my leg too next week. Going to give it a week of just rest, ice, and light walking. want to give it a chance to heal on its own a bit before i decide if i need extensive medical intervention. Pain is in large part of calf. No pain around ankle or heel, or bruising. I suspect it is not Achilles
  8. Thanks for the responses guys. I’m kind of dragging my leg around essentially. Calf is very tight if I try to take a normal step, not Even pain so much as tight. Cant push off, but I can stand on that leg only if that means anything. no black and blue about 48 hours out from the injury. Have appointment with ortho on Tuesday, so we’ll see.
  9. The pain is squarely in the large part of my calf… not near the ankle. just hoping it’s not Achilles.
  10. Another miserable day here. Wet and muggy. Either shredded my calf or tore my Achilles on Thursday night playing softball. Loud pop and instant pain. Anyone have this type of injury before? Went to urgent care and they performed a “Thompson test” and my foot still responded, so NP said unlikely Achilles. I’m still skeptical it’s not that because I can’t hear weight at al or push off. have appointment with ortho on Tuesday.
  11. Middle street. Girl I’m seeing is from the south shore and her parents currently live in Weymouth
  12. Been in Scott’s hood a lot recently in the Weymouth area. Damn the traffic is horrible, no matter what day or time. Maybe I can get in on the CJ if I move there
  13. Pouring heading into Boston. summer has left a lot to be desired weather wise so far
  14. Not much thunder. Lots of lighting and pouring
  15. Think I can get away with a day at nantasket beach tomorrow? You know that area well
  16. Is Saturday as a beach day totally shot?
  17. I know it’s getting some play, but I figured it would be everywhere. Given the likely magnitude of what’s to come from thisn
  18. https://www.wcvb.com/article/karen-read-trial-live-updates-june-10-2024/61054104 this is still not getting enough attention
  19. Went to Nantasket beach today. Beautiful day. Water wasn’t bad for late May
  20. Thanks man. Doing alright. Divorce finalized yesterday. Plan to be around a bit more now that everything is settled
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