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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Snowing hard coming down 95 west of Boston. Going to be a long ride home
  2. You think 3-5 is attainable here? That would hopefully lock in through Christmas
  3. Thanks Jerry. I really do appreciate the kind words. I’ve spent over a decade on this forum now and I appreciate the support and everyone reaching out over the past year, it means a lot. Ill be happy to get a few inches, would make for a festive weekend anyway. Happy holidays to all as well.
  4. I’d take 3-5 and run here. Would be a festive Saturday anyway
  5. Wet at home, had a light dusting this morning. Not feeling it here, hope im wrong
  6. There is still a lot of meh guidance out there. I guess everyone is going NAM 100%. lots of high fives for something that hasn’t happened yet
  7. I honestly think verbatim you’d be okay if it’s anything worth writing home about. If the NAM was right I could see like Norton Easton area doing really well.
  8. This threat deserves to be shat on, and still does. It’s been teasing everyone for days now and the end result is going to be nothing for most. Im being realistic
  9. Given my personal situation has kind of smacked reality into me over the last year or so, it’s kind of nice to not get worked up over these things like I used to. that being said, it’s hard to remember a stretch in my 30 years where we had so many things go wrong like we have over the last couple years. Almost have to tip your cap at this point.
  10. Kind of sad that 13 days of late December yields this model result over like 3 separate “events”
  11. It’s been a decade since we’ve seen a trend hard positive this close in. It’s just physically not in the cards. Way to much ground to make up
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