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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. I think the problem is that nobody makes a peep when we get the cold and snow cheerleading posts. If people were just being honest, there are a lot of people here who only want to hear the positives of winter weather.
  2. There is absolutely nothing of note for the next few weeks, who cares where people vent frustration. do we need to keep this thread pristine for people to discuss 28 vs 30 degrees?
  3. He called me unreadable last week, just returning the favor.
  4. Straight up forecasting on hopes and prayers. Hate to see it. Unreadable if you will
  5. Still light years away from being anything more than flurries for SNe though. need another 300 miles, at 100 hours
  6. Appreciable precip is in South Jersey on the gfs and cmc. Anything north of that is light stuff or nothing. this needs a miracle, just like every other threat in the past 3 years
  7. Probably a decent idea to check out for a few weeks and come back when the pattern relaxed a bit, just hope it’s not cutters
  8. If an inch of snow excites you, sure
  9. I think the NAO is one of the most overrated features we have here. Maybe it helps the high end potential on the margins, but I feel like we’ve done just fine without it before. There is nothing more miserable than cold and dry, I’d rather flirt with or rain than that. you aren’t even in the game when it’s dry
  10. Negativity has been right though. Facts and results matter.
  11. We’ve been saying this for days, and were mocked for it. Hope everyone enjoys the next 14-21 days of cool and dry
  12. It’s not even worth the effort at this point. If something got to within 3 days, I’d be somewhat interested, but this stretch has always looked cool and dry here outside of a couple of random OP runs. Any shot we have is probably late month when the block relaxes a bit, but at that point, it’ll probably be rain.
  13. I legitimately see nothing to be excited about at the moment. I know some are still hitting the delusion for the 6th, but that’s long gone. I don’t get excited for hour 300 OP runs anymore.
  14. There is a reason we’ve seen like 1 big solution on op runs over the last like 3-4 days. It’s a lot of sheared out stuff for the most part, along with fast flow. People appear to be hiding behind the usual catchphrases “it’s early” “long way to go” “we just don’t know” etc etc. but it’s a legit concern and has been for days. Kind of reminds me of the few weeks before the Feb 13 blizzard. Epic cold if I remember but like half an inch of attic sand to show for it. As the pattern relaxed a bit, we got the storm.
  15. This very well could be a great pattern for the mid Atlantic and south. Lots of Op runs have been grinding up shortwaves and we are left with a shredded mess or nothing. I could easily envision a scenario where we wait until the block relaxes in late Jan or early Feb before we see a legit chance
  16. There is potential for this to be a mid Atlantic special for the next month. We’ve seen it before. A lot of congrats going around for something that hasn’t even happened
  17. All timer in New York, pedestrian in eastern ma
  18. It was never good to begin with, at least not South of the mountains
  19. It’s not that simple. I likely can’t ski enough to justify the pass. My ex loved North Conway so I usually ended up skiing at Cranmore. Legit 2017-2019 I could ski usually for like $40 bucks, maybe a bit more. Last year it was like $90 weekday and $115 for a weekend. Outrageous
  20. This generally sums up Northeast skiing now. The average lift ticket has doubled in price over the last 6 years, at least, some places more. I love the hobby, but I’ve pretty much given it up at this point.
  21. We’ve said this a lot over the last couple years. However; the favorable periods have been very short; and failed to produce. i think most are in “believe it when I see it” mode, which is completely fair at this point. Results matter.
  22. People are calling it like they see it. It seems like some folks want to only entertain positive vibes. 2” of snow here in December over 3 events. Tough to spin that. January looks questionable to start
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