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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. I believe the number I pulled was overall. Probably not the best to use. It’s still hard to believe that much of the left is that uninformed. I guess even though we all don’t agree in here we are part of our own echo chamber that is (primarily) using data to debate points. But, maybe this helps highlight why I get so frustrated with the messaging surrounding covid and some of the messaging in this thread that insists on worst case scenario outcomes.
  2. That is the number I saw, it was a quick search. Agreed it’s not the best number to use. Any clue what the overall actually is for confirmed cases?
  3. That really is an unbelievable stat. That’s a sickening overestimation and so incredibly misinformed. The highest hospitalization rate I could find is .86 percent for 85+.... so I think I’m going to go out on a limb and say there’s not a whole lot of room for error on the downside.
  4. Lol ETA: You and a couple other people attaching personal narratives to everything is what starts these huge derailments in this thread.
  5. I don’t think it’s a magic bullet but I think for a lot of people it reduces the chances of severe covid to an “acceptable” risk level (flu like risk level for young/healthy/no pre existing health conditions).
  6. Like what? What countries are closer? Come on man... the "data" isn't being hotly disputed, just the interpretations of that data. Data is hard facts.
  7. Happy medium is maybe not discussing scientific hypotheticals as part of your messaging to the general public?
  8. Better throw the 2/335,000,000 people in there who would die from the vaccine just to make sure all your bases are covered in here
  9. Why do you act like its a bad thing for people to be in a hurry to get their lives back to normal? The flip side of that is why are you so intent on NOT getting everyone's lives back to normal as quickly as possible? I am going to go out on a limb and say your response includes something along the lines of "I actually care about other people an nobody else does".
  10. Business is boomin. And answer is probably whenever the US government stops paying for it.
  11. When was the data for this? Some of the stuff shared the other day showed almost 50% already have at least one shot and increasing quickly.... and the number of people who would refuse a shot is probably shrinking as well.
  12. I am sure you're right, people know being overweight increases their risk for mortality from every other leading cause of death (heart disease, cancer, diabetes) and that doesn't slow many down.
  13. We are a year in and half the country still doesn't have the vaccine, enough time for most people to make a dramatic improvement in their health.
  14. What’s the IFR like over there?
  15. I agree that it definitely makes sense for international travel
  16. Overblown for sure but still at its best a bad look.
  17. The people who are mad about pulling the vaccine are not the people who I thought would be mad about pulling the vaccine
  18. I agree with all of this man. The point of my post was to say there’s things we could have been doing like this the whole time. It’s like places cancelling fall football last spring and then people proved you could play football by testing people before games. What’re the bills gonna do if Covid cases have dropped to background noise in the fall? Still require this rule because the decided to make a stand six months ahead of time?
  19. I think a lot of frustrations with restrictions are because they are blanketed like this. There’s no “common sense” reason to not allow covid negative people in the stadium with a negative test. Could have made people start doing that a long time ago and still had some events going on.
  20. Yeah that’s definitely getting into legal stuff above my head. You’d think if they could require a vaccine for entry to the stadium, they could apply that to players? ETA: Could the bills sue the county for revenue they lose as well?
  21. But evidence has shown that for a lot of people it will, right? Not just diet and exercise, but the benefits of that, considered obesity is the number one comorbidity of covid? I’m not saying people should exercise instead of getting the vaccine. But there would be a lot less dead people from Covid in the western world if there a lot less fat people.
  22. Don't call other people dumbasses and then follow it up with something like this.
  23. Statistics don’t lie my man. I can give you probably three dozen anecdotal accounts of people I know my age or older, in worse shape, who had basically zero symptoms. I was an EOD tech in the Army. My personal risk tolerance is incredibly far away from wherever Covid ranks. ETA- if the stats don’t matter and worse case scenarios do, surely you can understand why people are scared of vaccines
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