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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. I think there’s a real argument here that for a lot of people the second shot might not be worth the side effects if almost 97 percent have antibodies after the first shot
  2. I was back in OKC this last weekend-outside of grocery stores nobody was wearing masks. It felt pretty great. Maybe I shouldn’t be but I’m still pretty shocked at some restrictions in some places. The outdoor mask requirement deal in Hawaii is pretty crazy.
  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/05/11/cdc-exaggerates-outdoor-transmission-rate-covid-19-experts/amp/ On the outdoor transmission subject. Stuff like this really should be inexcusable and absolutely destroys the credibility of the CDC.
  4. My business dropped their mask mandate a month ago. Some people wear them, some don’t. It works.
  5. Thats not a big surge in Florida. Its a big surge in cases that consisted of variants as a percent of total cases.
  6. Starting to think it never actually "warms up" in the Midwest. Going to be heading back into fall before we know it.
  7. I shouldn’t have to break down every single post for you Barney style to keep you from misinterpreting or misdirecting what I am saying. Which is the vast majority of mainstream is left leaning and uses the exact same tactics the article you keep talking about does. Do I need to post the CNN director video for you? And, I specifically said the “rest of the world” as a counter to what’s happening to India, is there a way I can’t say that so it’s more clear to you? I don’t need a lecture from you about centrism when every single post you make includes some underhanded shot at dipshits on the other side of the aisle from you. Which I have said, over and over, I am not.
  8. Almost like the far left media (so basically, the media) leading the public to believe the pandemic in the rest of the world is far deadlier/more severe than it actually is.
  9. Some of the worlds biggest slums too. The perfect place for a virus to go crazy.
  10. Fair, just the first one that came to mind.
  11. I'm going to make one of those that says "when you get shot in chicago" and the picture collage will be mugshots and see if you guys still think its funny.
  12. Im with you here, if people havent realized the media sensationalizes headlines and stretches the truth for clicks I dont know what to say
  13. How’re those states doing with Covid numbers right now
  14. There's no "fringe groups controlling the narrative", there's media using inflammatory language to get clicks and engagement.
  15. My (natural gas companies) in house meteorologists are thinking a hot summer right now, I think based primarily on 2011 analog. Haven’t bought in to that yet, probably because I hate hot summers
  16. Had any thoughts about leaving during all of this?
  17. Smear for what? They're doing better than a lot of places and are more open than a lot of places... that fact just makes some people's heads explode.
  18. With roughly twice as many total (confirmed) covid cases for covid, you’re more likely to be hospitalized but half as likely to die? Seems less dangerous than the flu to me?
  19. I have neither. Which is probably why I am here debating Covid. Lol
  20. I can't believe people are still getting their news from social media. Or really.... media.
  21. Not surprising since they make up close to 50% of hospitalizations.... its scary for that age group. I would have guessed 1-2% hospitalization rate overall so definitely fits my bias of underestimating it.
  22. Man I JUST posted something that took me a while to dig for and find numbers... this would have been a lot easier lol. At least they match up.
  23. Ok so had to do a little digging for this and just use dates that I could find matching hospitalizations and total case numbers for. As of November 18, there had been 906,849 Covid hospitalizations in the U.S. compared to a confirmed 11.5 million cases for a hospitalization rate of 7.8%. However, dozens of studies suggest an undercount of 3-4x total cases at this time, which would support an overall hospitalization rate of 2.6% to 1.9%. I'd like to be able to break that down by age but am having a hard time finding the raw data.
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