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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. You should keep declaring the storm over, you'll end up with a foot
  2. This storm is over performing in a lot of places and hasn’t really even started for you
  3. I work for a company that trades power and natural gas for several co-ops across the country. To say this weekend has been a mess is an understatement. Nat gas was trading at $600/dth at one point friday in the cash market and theres a very real possibility demand exceeds power supply at some point.
  4. There isn't really a model depicting you getting anything before this afternoon. NWA is definitely going to overperform in the early part of the storm.
  5. In the ball game for sure. Somebody that isn't expecting it is going to get slammed by this storm and I'm not sure I buy the big nw arkansas snow total drop off right now.
  6. GFS and GFSv16 are gonna smoke Oklahoma in round 2.
  7. What temp do you have right now? Just ran to the store real quick and car said 29, absolutely pouring snow
  8. Snowing at a pretty good clip in Carmel, In. Came straight in as snow without the modeled rain to begin with. Don't want to jinx anything but just looking at radar trends I am starting to think we bust high.
  9. That is the truth my man. I never realized how much those 50-60 degree sunny days help you get through winter. We finally just said we had enough and went out yesterday with temps in the twenties because the sun was out.
  10. Looks like there's going to be some nowcasting my snow amounts here in Carmel, In, we are riding right on that line. Cold, grey, and no snow on the ground has made for a rough introduction to Midwest winters.
  11. That was the "thesaurus free" version?!
  12. If there is a couple things I am feeling good about right now, it is that I am not in the bullseye this far out and that I am sitting west of where the bullseye is. That being said, I would like for the east trend to at least stop moving further east in the next few runs.
  13. I would die of weenieism if we get even half that. Short lived though, my wife would be packing up the bags to head back to Oklahoma.
  14. Apparently this is the place where it’s cool to shame people for being shape while acting like they’re shaming people who aren’t.
  15. When did it become so taboo to suggest anything that requires a little personal accountability? Encouraging people to take of themselves shouldn't be so controversial.
  16. From Oklahoma. The land of the rain/freezing rain line.
  17. First winter in the Midwest/Indianapolis area. I am really, really excited for (hopefully) a ton of winter storms to follow!
  18. That is completely fair. But acting like the virus isn't getting spread at those other places because those people belong to a different political party isn't.
  19. Population density for Harris Country and Dallas County are almost identical to LA County.
  20. Yeah Dallas and Houston and OKC barely have any people.
  21. How is my post count relevant? So what is going on in California, New York, Pennsylvania, and the Upper Midwest right now? Just more people who don't give a shit?
  22. Weren't you the guy in here a few months ago saying that cases in the south were going crazy because they were all red states and nobody there was wearing masks? Turns out its a little more complicated than that huh?
  23. Some of you are categorizing people as "sociopaths" way, way too easily. The number of people who think this is a hoax or completely disregard precautions at this point is very very low, no matter which side of the political spectrum you are on. I understand that when you have a job that allows you to work remotely it is hard to understand how people can't take every precaution necessary to prevent the virus, but there is a huge number of people in the country who HAVE to go to work to pay their bills, and at least at the moment, there isn't enough government support for them to do otherwise. There is a large number of intelligent people on this board, but an equal amount of ignorance into the every day livelihoods of a lot of Americans. It really is not as simple as "just stay home". Additionally, a lot of the people getting sick now are people who are going to see their friends and family members who they haven't seen in months and months. It is exceptionally difficult to not see your loved ones. This virus is just so contagious that even when people do things the right way, people are still going to catch it. My grandmother passed from Covid last week and was in a nursing home that was doing everything they could right. Every body always wants to be able to blame somebody for what is going on, but the truth is we are just in a terrible and hard situation that isn't easy at any level. It isn't as simple as educated vs uneducated, red vs blue, urban vs rural, ect ect, and anybody who wants to make it that simple is blindingly ignorant to the realities of the world.
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