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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. That's awesome man, 60 pounds is a ton of weight.
  2. You may be correct, but its strange to me that self directed health improvements don't get the same attention as other prevention methods. I.E., "wear a mask, social distance" to minimize the risk you catch it ALONG with "exercise, eat better" to minimize the risk of getting a serious case if you do.
  3. Interesting Great Britain has a higher death per 1000 rate than the United States. Must be more selfish people there than in the US. In all seriousness, I wish studies like these would get more publicity. Something everybody can do for themselves.
  4. https://www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/31003626/study-shows-less-1-pro-athletes-infected-covid-19-developed-inflammatory-heart-disease Positive study for the sports world.
  5. Why don't you go tell the "selfish" people how selfish they are instead of spewing garbage like that on the internet. Only dipshits operate in binaries and you may be a dipshit, but I am sure you're smart enough not to act like one.
  6. Maybe more of their cases were front loaded when we had less treatments? Another guess, yours makes sense too.
  7. Last time I checked, most people in this country have sacrificed something they enjoy over the last 12 months to help us get through this. Income, jobs, vacations, their mental health, their physical health, their kids well-being... something. And for most people, they weren't at a high risk of getting seriously sick themselves. The whole "America sucks" schtick is old. If you are saying that in response to Texas lifting their mask mandates, at least do a few minutes of research to realize that all the governors order does is give authority to back to local governments and private businesses to order their own mask mandates, which I am sure most will do. The only thing that is clear is that there are people that will search for any reason they can to find somebody they deem morally inferior to themselves to blame for whatever they feel is going wrong in their lives.
  8. We’ve seen plenty of examples throughout the pandemic of stronger restrictions not always equaling less cases. I would guess the mandate was lifted because by that point most of the people in the highest risk group that want the vaccine will have at least one dose of it.
  9. I’m going to be honest man, I just don’t believe your 75/25 number. I’ve seen one person not wearing a mask in a public area in the 4 months since I moved to Indiana and it was almost as equally rare in Oklahoma.
  10. Hm, I haven’t ran into any people like that-certainly none outside of the internet. But maybe you’re out and about more than I am
  11. I understand you’re not arguing that point but I’m confused why you think people who exercise will just assume they can’t get it and then become more likely to spread it. Are you saying that because of Jongers comments?
  12. No, the person I quoted and responded to was using an anecdote to prove a point-I was using an anecdote to demonstrate his anecdote was a pretty worthless one. My second sentence in the response is unrelated to the first-you don't need anecdotes to show that exercise improves Covid outcomes, science does that.
  13. I can point you to literally thousands of college athletes who tested positive for Covid this year with no symptoms. So again, Covid makes some people extremely sick and you have a much higher chance of avoiding that outcome if you "exercise".
  14. And all a mask does is limit your chance of infecting others and yourself, doesn't mean you can't get it. We all still support that, right? The pushback against health improvements that dramatically improve virus outcome is bizarre to me. Surely you're intelligent enough to realize that somebody wanting to take care of their health doesn't make them a "Chad" or more likely to be a super spreader than anybody else. Avoiding a trip to the hospital seems like incentive enough to get into shape, no?
  15. There is going to be some pretty interesting social studies over the next few years to figure out wtf happened over the last year. Just speculation, but I have to think the "severity" of the virus was at exactly the right level to cause an enormous division in how seriously it should be taken. Very, very serious virus for a portion of the population while a large number of symptomless cases also existed. Add in that we have lived in a binary political environment (see @Stebo still talking about how he will wear a mask next winter because he's not one of those cruel, heartless people that will choose not to) and we have a recipe a lot of conflict. I find anti maskers equally as obnoxious as the people who scream at others for not wearing one anytime they are outside, but that's just part of the world we live in I guess. Have to think and hope it will get better.
  16. We are finally ripping big ole flakes at this point
  17. Going to squeak out being in the exact right spot for the pivot... let er rip.
  18. New or including what we got last night/this morning?
  19. Seems like there is actually a decent sized Carmel crew on here
  20. I am a little concerned about the dry slot headed our way but every model is pretty insistent that fills in, so we shall see. Still an awesome storm so far.
  21. It actually looks like they improved a little bit at my location (dead center Carmel) while we were talking about it.
  22. Honestly it has nothing to do with being modernized our not. ERCOT plants run on fuels that don't do well in sustained cold because honestly, they don't really need to (usually). Nuclear or coal would be the answer right now... good luck getting approval for those.
  23. I wonder if the really fine grain nature of the snowfall prevented it from really taking advantage of higher ratios
  24. Indeed. The "perfect storm" to place an enormous strain on the power market.
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