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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/violence-against-asian-americans-why-hate-crime-should-be-used-n1258793 I thought this one was pretty fair too, probably because it was published before the media could blow up the white guy narrative.
  2. The violence that has no evidence of being racially motivated? Don't even disagree but at least pick a relevant example.
  3. Apologies for the misunderstanding
  4. Surely you recognize how silly it sounds to encourage people not to scream at an amusement park
  5. I was hoping you would respond as well. Like at every other point of this pandemic, a clear plan or milestones to achieve and an obvious effort to make the point that we will return to normal would calm a lot of nerves about what the intentions are for mandates and restrictions going forward. And I guarantee more people would get vaccinated. Saying something like “well maybe if enough people get vaccinated you can gather with your family on the fourth” just pisses people off. I also wouldn’t mind it at all if Fauci said something along the lines of “we want to encourage wearing masks for the sake of continuity until every who wants the vaccine has had a chance to get it”
  6. I actually lol’d. You say you’re ok with keeping the theatre open a few more months until more people have been vaccinated.... do you feel like people generally agree that once everybody has been vaccinated who wants to be vaccinated we move on? (Obviously barring any major outbreak of a more deadly variant, which is highly unlikely imo)
  7. For the time being, it looks like the perfect spacing to maximize the number of individual cells without non stop storm interference. We will see how that plays out though.
  8. Fair. I just don't specifically buy into "if someone doesn't get the vaccine it is because they are selfish/too dumb to understand risk/reward". And I don't think taking that stance promotes a healthy dialogue around the vaccine, which is something that could end up convincing somebody who actually needs the vaccine to get it. Actually, I know for a fact that type of rhetoric stops people from getting it.
  9. You must be in a pretty successful position in life seeing as how you have all the answers to why strangers make the decisions they do.
  10. The poll I linked above said 35% wont take it or are hesitant. The one @purduewx80 quoted says 61% will get it. You start digging into the data on some of these and you can present it any way you want to, but its pretty obvious black people distrust the vaccine AT LEAST as much as white people, on average. The people who are upset about that are upset because it doesn't fit their narrative that the only people who distrust the vaccine are on the right.
  11. Holy hell you mean you took the time to come to a thoughtful, researched, and doctor informed decision on whether you should take the vaccine or not? Somebody fry this man.
  12. You're going to pretend that even the worst smartphone somebody has in their pocket hasn't eliminated the case you're trying to make? You don't need home internet or a computer to make an appointment to get the vaccine. You forget about apps like Uber on those smartphones that also make the case you're trying to make irrelevant? There are actual studies within the the last month that show African American's aren't getting the vaccine at higher rates because they distrust the vaccine/government. Here is one of them. A quick google search will turn up dozens more. https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/black-americans-distrust-covid-vaccine What is incredibly degrading is that you really think African Americans aren't capable of setting up an appointment to get the vaccine and then coordinating a way to get there if they actually want it. So who is racist?
  13. In my experience you can get as granular as you want with that. There is definitely regional differences but also city by city, office by office, group by group differences as well. Where I am now (Carmel) is definitely more active than OKC was but not nearly as much as NWA (Fayetteville) was. But I do agree with you. There is definitely a... difference of priorities? across different areas of the country. Even in regards to being work centric vs leisure centric, etc.
  14. Lol. Because all black people are too poor to have cars and access to the internet, right? The mental gymnastics people do to make "inequality" an excuse for any race related stat is impressive. I am still so confused how somebody not taking the vaccine makes them selfish. You can take take the vaccine, it will protect you, so why do you care? Generally, the people I know who are very concerned about the virus are concerned because they themselves don't want to get sick. And they want other people that are less scared than them to give up their businesses, normal lives, and put things in their body they aren't comfortable with to make them feel safer. That's fine, its just so old seeing it lauded over people as some type of moral superiority when in reality, I can't imagine something more selfish. Since generally the only logic people can respond with is hypotheticals about variants, anecdotes, or imagined worst case scenarios, can the vaccine not just be the line in the sand where once everybody who wants it has had the chance to get it, we move on with our lives? When is the risk going to be an at acceptable level to just move on?
  15. I think this has always been the case. There probably isn't a lot of 30 year old who know somebody their age who've known anyone with a case serious enough (hospitalization) to push them to get it.
  16. And we are pretty close to the point where all "68 year old obese diabetics" will at the very least have had the opportunity to get it, correct? I think you make a really, really good point. My mother is pretty strongly convinced she is not going to get the vaccine and one of her reasons is she isn't convinced the needle will move back the other direction towards normalcy anyways. A great way to shut down the conspiracy theory anti vax stuff imo is to make it clear that less cases means less restrictions. The stuff where people talk about being masked for the next five years based on hypotheticals even with the vaccine doesn't do anything to encourage people who are on the fence to get it.
  17. If you have covid you probably shouldn't be visiting people.
  18. I’ve never said anything anti mask or anti vax at any point during this thread. I am very much anti government mandates for those things because I don’t think mandates work and I think they automatically make it a contentious issue. I view masks a lot like you view exercise- I think they will help protect you on an individual level but I have been (I think rightly so) very skeptical that they would stop most people from catching Covid at some point. I do think it’s pretty clear at this point vaccines are going to do that, though.
  19. You could also say the people who were blindly accepting new science about all of those things are the same ones skeptical about the science behind exercise/diet mitigation. Everybody has a lens they view the world through.
  20. Counter examples to what? The countries you mention are specifically listed in examples that supports the obesity case in the study. ETA: https://www.worldobesityday.org/assets/downloads/COVID-19-and-Obesity-The-2021-Atlas.pdf
  21. I don't think you have to make it a conspiracy theory to come to the conclusion that excess food consumption is part of American culture, just like excess consumerism is part of American culture. The reason this thread triggers me (for those of you talking about my post count and why I am commenting in this one) is I honestly never realized how many people there are in the country that truly want to sit on their ass, blame other people for their problems, and wait for the government to pass more regulations to fix their lives. I am as "progressive" as they come-a self labeled liberal who thinks healthcare costs are ridiculous and would love to see it be free, supports free college, and thinks life is harder on average for African Americans than white people. But damn, at some point people have to take their own lives into their own hands. Yeah, it takes discipline, its hard, but you always have the power to take responsibility for your own life. This is coming from a former alcoholic who now spends about 14 hours a day making sure I can take care of myself and my family. And honestly, its exhausting to hear somebody wanting me to make ANOTHER change in my life for their protection or to keep them safe because they don't have the discipline or willpower to make ANY steps themselves to keep themselves safe. At some point, it doesn't matter whose fault it is that its easy to get fat, you just have to lose weight. At some point, it doesn't matter what mandates the government has or hasn't passed, you just have to wear your mask, keep your distance, and take the precautions you can to keep yourself and your family safe.
  22. As someone who tracks their budget and does a LOT of grocery shopping, it costs over double/month to a eat diet based in whole foods (what I would consider "healthy") than it does based in processed foods. To your point though, doesn't mean you can't lose weight or cut back consumption. So then you're admitting strict government mandates don't work? Great, we agree they should be lifted then. I haven't seen anybody claim there aren't some people doing that.
  23. We can definitely agree with that. And eating healthy food is a luxury in this country that even a lot of middle class families can't afford.
  24. Can't come up with anything more thoughtful than that? If you want to talk about how language like the post I quoted and gross over-generalizations and saying things on the internet you would never say to somebodies face leads to a lot of the behavior you claim to despise, we can talk about that. If you disagree, we can talk about that too. But regardless of how I feel about those "selfish" peoples politics (I don't agree with most of it), a lot of those people are my friends, family, people I grew up with, and people I know. And a lot of those people are the most caring, thoughtful, giving, selfless people I know.
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