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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. You don’t get to decide whether my statement is anti vaccine two seconds after I just said I’m pro vaccine. Polio, measles, and smallpox didn’t have mild cases in 90 percent of the people who caught it. The seriousness of the disease is what forced everyone to get the vaccine, not mandates or some angry man on the internet yelling “idiot”. There’s a reason not everyone gets the flu vaccine every year, even during really bad flu years, and whether you want to accept it or not, it’s a fact that covid is about as serious for a lot of people as the flu is. Why are people allowed to accept that risk but you get to decide that they can’t accept this one?
  2. I’m asking your opinion because I want to listen. I want to see if you can come up with an intelligent or logical answer that doesn’t really on me being an idiot and you being the only one that cares about people. I wasn’t even arguing with you. That’s what “reason” is my man. The vaccine gives everyone the power to protect themselves if they choose to. I support the vaccine, I’m glad it’s here. I don’t, however, think people should be forced to put it in their arms. That’s “reason”.
  3. Calling everybody who pushes back on any of your ideas an idiot makes you sound very intelligent yourself. Definitely helps win people over to your side and hop on that ship with you.
  4. I honestly don’t care what risks people are willing to accept or not accept and don’t think my own personal risk tolerance should apply to anyone else.
  5. Yeah they will. Everyone who wants and needs one at least. Catching covid isn’t a bad enough punishment for you?
  6. Why is that a problem when everybody who wants one has had a chance to get one?
  7. Some of the reasons people come up with to explain stuff are pretty comical. I wonder how people are going to explain the cases falling in states with no mask mandates and rising in states with them
  8. Anybody have any idea what the environment the developing storms to the west have to work with?
  9. I would be concerned about the storm coming into Birmingham as well
  10. Agreed. Obviously could end up wrong when all is said and done but I don't remember when we've gone from a messy convective event to a high end outbreak.
  11. Definitely a noticeable difference in the last half hour or so, and pressure falls as well. Northeast MS is still primed if something discrete forms.
  12. surface obs are showing its starting to do so.
  13. Good news is Mississippi storms are a mess so far, not sure what can even organize out of that down the line.
  14. This things about to drop a monster at the wrong place and time.
  15. Are the storms developing in the SW part of the state not the main show? I don’t think any of the models have depicted the morning convection to develop into the main round of supercells.
  16. I also think people are starting to relax just because they don't know nearly as many people who are sick... I don't know anyone personally who has had covid since January compared to a couple people a week around the holidays.
  17. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2021/03/march-weight-change Wild
  18. There was someone a few pages back that speculated we would end up with below average mortality this year... will be interesting to see if that trend continues
  19. They are heading into winter right? So maybe getting our “fall surge”?
  20. Key word debated https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC340389/
  21. It’s been debated that the Spanish flu originated in Kansas.
  22. Must be a lot of Republicans in Russia and China
  23. Lol come on man that’s pretty serious hyperbole.
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