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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. Again, agreed. But the bolded statement is what makes me critical about a lot of the viewpoints in here in relation to the big picture. In a few months we are going to be 40-60% vaccinated as a country and the rest of the world is what... 5-10% total? People don’t think there’s not going to be variants emerging in those countries even if we make it to 100%? EVEN if we make it to 100% vaccination in this country, we are going to be dealing with Covid for likely our lifetime in some form or another and at some point we are just going to have to accept that risk unless we become an isolationists country in a globalists world. Whether and extra ten to twenty percent of people get vaccinated next week or six months from now, that reality doesn’t change. And, it really doesn’t bother me that there’s people who’ve accepted that risk now.
  2. Why? Facts and numbers (keep reminding you because you still haven’t done it).
  3. https://www.umms.org/coronavirus/covid-vaccine/facts/immunity That 60% combined with the percentage of people with natural immunity from already having it would get that age group pretty darn close to herd immunity. I have a hard time imagining it would “run rampant”. Keep trying to explain what I don’t understand.
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7608887/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971220306342 You could say the same thing about many covid symptoms, no?
  5. Again. If the person you’ve interacted with has gotten the vaccine or willingly passed it up why’s it matter.
  6. Why? Seriously, use numbers and data to tell me why. Like... what will happen if only 60% of the people under 40 get vaccinated.
  7. Fun fact, 40% of people experience some type of side effect from the vaccine and 62% of people have asymptomatic cases of covid. Those number inverse with age, meaning you’re more likely to have worse side effects from the vaccine the younger you are and less likely to have covid symptoms. Meaning for a lot of people you’re literally more likely to feel like shit from the vaccine than from covid.
  8. You keep saying that. I’ve been a member since 2013 and lurked for years before that. I’ve spent a lot of time on this forum. There’s also plenty of people who’ve told you you’re out of line, including a mod yesterday. You literally refuse to answer any question I ask you that involves providing data. I don’t think you are stupid, I don’t think you’re an idiot, but I think the way you talk about covid in general is exactly the type of language that stops people from getting the vaccine and further divides the “team” you claim you want to be on. There’s literally five other people yesterday who said exactly the same thing as me so I’m not sure what dynamic you are getting at. @TimB84 Ill ask you the sane question I asked him yesterday. The vaccines so far have shown to be extremely effective at preventing serious cases of covid. If you and everyone else who is comfortable getting it has had the chance to get the vaccine, what’s the point in shaming somebody who wants to wait 6 months or a year until they feel more comfortable getting it? At some point there has to be an acceptable risk tolerance-we do this with basically everything in life. Why are we acting like it has to be zero with covid? ETA-I think this idea that you can “shame” people into getting the vaccine is utter bullshit. I think that’s a guaranteed way to ensure those people will not get it and those of you who do think it’s a good idea have never actually been part of building a team. I think the way to encourage more people to get it is to continue to show it works, it’s safe, and it’s easy to get. And, I’m admittedly pulling this number out of my ass, but I’d guess MAYBE ten percent of people think shunning people who don’t get vacc’d is a good idea. So yes, I would consider that an extreme viewpoint.
  9. You haven’t posted anything scientific since I made the regrettable decision of engaging you in this thread. Science means posting data and facts.
  10. Fair analogy. It was a legitimate question about where the line gets drawn that a couple people answered pretty well.
  11. If you don’t think Stebo has an extremist viewpoint you just showed up.
  12. Anddddd another argument based in emotion used to rationalize an extremist viewpoint.
  13. I am specifically asking in reference to the vaccinated cases because as far as I know there are no other examples of deaths attributed to covid post vaccine.
  14. Care to expand? You think someone with late stage cancer or who suffers a severe stroke or heart attack should be considered a covid death?
  15. At some point do you see deaths start being classified as people “died with covid” vs “died from covid”? Not saying that’s the case here, just curious when we start drawing a line there.
  16. That’s an interesting point, but as some other have said, covid is never going away and the risk for a mutation that sidesteps the vaccine will always be there IMO. I also think it’s very likely at some point the vaccine will have to be tweaked like the flu vaccine is every year. Thankfully from what we know so far the vaccine is pretty effective against the current variants.
  17. Its poisonous. The only way for people to find middle ground on issues like this is to be able to talk openly about the way they feel about something. I engage with @Stebo and some of the other guys that share his POV because I legitimately want to know why they feel the way they do... its how dialogue works, how teamwork works, and how finding common ground on an issue works. He is so busy yelling loudly, drowning me out, and calling me an idiot that he doesn't even realize we agree on basically everything except that people shouldn't be forced to put shots in their arms if they are uncomfortable doing so.
  18. Completely agree again. I don’t think people will even be arguing about it a year from now when they realizing people arent growing ears out of their face.
  19. There’s maybe one person in this thread who disagrees with you and that even may be a stretch
  20. I be willing to bet my entire life savings that you dudes bitching and moaning about people being able to make their own choices are middle age white dudes. Calling other people selfish is literally the only argument you guys have. If not, one of you would have taken a shot at responding to my post on the last page about accepting some risks but not this one. For guys who want to trumpet science, relying on emotional character attacks is bizarre.
  21. Careful you’re about to get labeled anti vaccine.
  22. This is a great post. Very much agree. I do think at some point in the future we will reach a threshold where that goes away too, though. @Stebo see how he made his point in a thoughtful way without degrading anybody or calling them idiots?
  23. What large, populated countries government is handling this better than us? Hell, what country is forcing citizens to get vaccinated? There isn’t even authoritarian countries forcing vaccinations on people.
  24. Let me guess. “Americans are so selfish” (while European and Brazilian cases explode and are getting vaccinated at much lower rates than Americans)
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