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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. There’s places you can live more suited to your preferred form of government.
  2. That's awesome. Proud of our country and the efforts we have made.
  3. I actually agree with you here. “Not gonna live in fear” while being scared to take a vaccine doesn’t make any sense.
  4. That’s going to be happening outside of the United States for years and years and years to come. There’s going to be parts of the world that are still less than 10% vaccinated five years from now. You ok with not letting people in or out?
  5. It’s a response to @Hoosier asking why he allows certain viewpoints to post. And if you consider the comments you quoted to support open minded conversations that you say you want , we are just never going to agree on anything. ETA: page 281. He’s also deleted some of his gems but you can still see them in quoted responses.
  6. You once again just described the reason I’ve taken issue with Stebo. You can find the post he made a few pages back encouraging a mod to censor posts and viewpoints he doesn’t agree with. He’s degrading, disrespectful, and derogatory towards people who don’t share his point of view.
  7. I read about the weather without posting because I don’t feel like I know enough to add anything valuable, generally. There’s a lot of people who know a lot more than me (Stebo included) that I learn a lot of information from. I don’t feel that way about this subject. This is a coronavirus thread, so why does it matter? You've consistently defended him (including right now, taking issue with me calling him a loser) when the entire reason I’ve repeatedly engaged with him is because he attacks groups of people and individuals on a personal level (calling them idiots, selfish, stupid) that he knows nothing about but take issue with me calling him a loser for doing so. Why? ETA: since you’re already combing through my profile, why don’t you go back and read the comments I’ve responded to him on and see who is making personal attacks or using incendiary language, instead of jumping into a 292 page thread 280 pages in and blindly backing the guy you feel shares the same POV as you.
  8. I’m not talking about what he thinks about the rest of the population. That’s exactly my point. I can assure you he’s not out in public or at work saying the stuff he’s saying, he’s posting it online on a weather forum where there are a couple other losers who agree with him and he feels cool/important. There is literally no other reason to bring up post counts.
  9. I think he does. Why else would he be using it as a point of reference? And he’s a red tag. AKA a meteorologist.
  10. They are. And the fact that he thinks post counts are a reflection of the validity of anyone’s ideas is absurd and another addition in his long list of jack assery. Posting a lot on a weather forum doesn’t make you cool. I’d be willing to bet Stebo isn’t very good at social interactions in real life, hasn’t had any real responsibility or power in real life, and is enjoying his perceived ability to lord his moral high ground over people because it makes him feel powerful. It doesn’t, it just makes him and the few people who agree with him losers. The internet and your post count there aren’t real life.
  11. I think it’s going to look that way for the foreseeable future as long as we keep leading the vaccine numbers
  12. Europeans on average have been more hesitant to get the vaccine than Americans as well.
  13. I think they undoubtedly lower cases in the immediate term. My problem with them thus far has been the moving target purgatory that follows the lockdown. As in, let’s use lockdowns to actually target hotspots and prepare emergency responses for the case load and then get as open as we can. Because I also think it’s pretty obvious the half open half closed stuff doesn’t do anything to actually slow anything down.
  14. Might have a hard time reversing momentum as long as cases remain low or steady in the states that have rolled things towards reopening
  15. Would they know if the majority of those cases were the Brazilian variant by now? What is happening there seems bizarre.
  16. Hahaha. A lot less than a year ago and it wasn’t high to start with
  17. He’s responding to a guy that tried to use professional athletes as a reference, not using that example himself.
  18. They need a bigger like button for this one. This is literally the reason I’m arguing with Stebo and Co. FYI, my introduction to him in this thread was while primarily red states were spiking during the summer and he was going on and on about how it’s because they were red states where no one was wearing masks. At the time I lived in OKC and hadn’t seen anyone in public without a mask on in months. It was comical. Theres a better way to talk to the other side of the aisle then personally attacking them. People have to start AT LEAST challenging the squeaky wheels and emotionally driven arguments or they keep getting louder. Theres a better way to talk about all of this stuff.
  19. I’m not even arguing that, I agree. I just don’t understand why you guys feel like it’s necessary to attack people who don’t feel like they have to get vaccinated immediately.
  20. Almost all athletes have a much high risk of being hospitalized from a sports related injury than they do from covid. Should we stop the sports?
  21. Yeah and I know personally over a dozen people who had either no symptoms or what amounted to sniffles and sneezes. Anecdotes don’t work here. It is a FACT that you have a better chance of dying in a car wreck than dying from covid if you are healthy and under 40. Not one of you who wants to act like I’m some asshole has even attempted to answer why it matter if someone gets the vaccine next month or next year when those who are most vulnerable have gotten it.
  22. As am I, and Im sure it will be at some point.
  23. Somebody mentioned it yesterday but there is also a precedent for this. Attending schools, colleges, going to some countries, being in the military, etc.
  24. Got it, because you say so. And no, most people aren’t.
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