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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. Marion County mask mandate is still in effect.
  2. I don't even know what you're talking about. I am very pro vaccine?
  3. @dta1984 has at least ATTEMPTED, repeatedly, to provide backing for his positions, rather than resorting to personal attacks when he doesn't have an answer. His information may be wrong or misguided sometimes, but he at least shares what he is looking at, and has allowed himself to be corrected several times, including by you. I take issue with the "blood on your hands", anti American, "Americans are selfish" bullshit. Because it is bullshit. When somebody has to resort to personal attacks, it means they haven't actually thought through why they think the way they do about something. You haven't called out a single person spewing emotional garbage in this thread. Why? What is wrong with you? Finally--I have a bias, because I am human. My bias is towards individual choice. I own that bias and am here defending it.
  4. You literally won't even attempt to reason. Who is the troll?
  5. Or the trifecta, all three at once.
  6. Then use your words to educate me instead of "facepalming" or "wow"ing every post I make you don't agree with.
  7. You struggle with words, brother.
  8. Easily. This is the same as people who were ranting about nobody wearing masks.... when everybody was wearing masks.
  9. His friends get to choose if they want to see him or not. I am honestly starting to think a lot of you act this way to justify all the time you spend by yourselves anyways.
  10. This is the best compromise answer imo. People unhappy about it on both sides means it's probably a good decision.
  11. Get jumping. I bet my "left" leg we voted for the same person for pres. last year and I'm embarrassed to share that with a lot of you. You still haven't added a single non-emotionally charged post to this thread.
  12. Comparisons like this are pointless and y’all keep making it. Huge percentages of the world are going to serve as breeding grounds for variants for years. And of course they’ll line up faster. Just like the world lined up to get the smallpox vaccine but most people don’t do so for the flu.
  13. Our CEO just sent out an email that masks will be optional starting tomorrow.
  14. To be fair, if you are scared of the vaccine you could just not get it....
  15. I can’t check right now but I would be willing to bet the timeline dynamics are very different
  16. Maybe produce the same symptoms, but it won’t spread the same. The county next to my parents and the one they live in has had under 100 cases a day for close to two months now despite having a population of over half a million people. You think they should be legislated the same way as LA?
  17. So who is doing the “asking” in your statement? You?
  18. Same. I will add I also support every businesses or event holders right to require a vaccine card at their event. I don’t think many will, but they should be able to if that’s what they want to do.
  19. It is so frustrating to read stuff like this. Our country, by far, leads the world in vaccinations numbers. Everybody in our country has sacrificed something in the last year. By the time this is all said in done, I’d be willing to bet the overwhelming majority of people in all age groups have the vaccine. Hell, it’s not even OPEN to most people still. Want some common sense that people will respond to? How about showing some optimism in our fight since we are currently leading the world. You people who insist our country is filled with selfish, stupid people must truly be miserable.
  20. That’s a tricky one. Because there’s also a precedent to not require other vaccines (flu), which by all accounts thus far is much deadlier to school age individuals.
  21. Although your definition of “Common sense” may be your objective reality, it’s not everyone’s objective reality. What will be the death of this country is people failing to realize that people have different experiences in life that lead them to the beliefs they have. What’s common sense to someone who lives in Los Angeles, CA isn’t the same as someone who lives in Pioneer, OH. People get so caught up in trying to govern “the other half”, but the beauty of our system is that people have choices and freedom to live under local and regional governments that fit their point of view within our federal framework that primarily supports individual choice.
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