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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. It’s insane. Coming from Oklahoma, I haven’t got used to the type of house we could get for the price point.
  2. BIL lives in downtown Dallas and pays around a grand for rent, don’t know what Austin is like. I know it’s 3-4 times that in LA/SF/NYC.
  3. It was like that in Edmond, Ok, last year and is like that here in Carmel, In area this year. Wife and I have resigned to not buying a house until things come back to reality. They always do.
  4. Those things you mentioned make it a lot easier to attract talent. Makes it a lot more attractive when you don’t have to spend a couple grand in month in rent, as well.
  5. Nothing wrong with that just like there's nothing wrong with anyone identifying with any of their other (healthy) hobbies. The bolded is quite the generalization.
  6. I think there’s a lot of gym goers that would place themselves in the “healthy and don’t need a vaccine” category. No evidence to back any of this up so it’s just our opinions, really. But I wouldn’t be the business trying it in the gym industry. They charge monthly for memberships, so you’re talking about charging people for a service the gym then wouldn’t let them use.
  7. Eh to me it’s one of those things that people have been doing for almost a year now anyways, doesn’t make sense to require one now. And, from a business perspective, it would be a terrible decision.
  8. https://www.ihrsa.org/about/media-center/press-releases/global-data-show-covid-19-transmission-in-gyms-is-rare/ The darkest part of Covid for me was the first month or so when gyms were completely shut down. It's been my primary coping mechanism in the four years since I have quit drinking. And just to be completely honest, even if I knew there was a high chance I would catch Covid there, I would still go. I am more scared of the health consequences (mental and physical both) from not having that release than I am of Covid.
  9. Gym equipment is expensive as hell. And, personally, there’s something mentally for me that changes at the gym vs being at home. Studies have shown gyms don’t contribute much to the spread.
  10. I cant wait til some real mask studies come out on their effectiveness. I personally think there's a lot of correlating factors more responsible for the declines but like many others have said, they are zero cost and even if they reduce transmission by 1% its probably worth it.
  11. Can we not do the dirty mask thing for the 50th time?
  12. When vaccine passports become racist, we will have officially come full circle in politics. I was listening to a podcast last week (Jocko) that was making the argument that mob politics eventually burn themselves out because at some point even the leadership of the mob starts getting accused of whatever the mob is supporting.
  13. Honest question, is there any republican you wouldnt say that about?
  14. Actually agree. Although, it is on my side of the bias so it bothers me a lot less than if they required a vaccine passport.
  15. I was surprised their response was "we will consider it".
  16. Is there any argument not to surge vaccination supplies to hotspots? That seems like something that’s “common sense”.
  17. Isn’t that the point though? If the more open states (Florida and Texas) are faring the same as the most locked down states (California and New York), doesn’t that make the case that states should be more open?
  18. Careful, you’ll have a lot of takers here
  19. These articles are a little misleading. It says hospitalizations under 40 have only gone up by three percent-that could be one or two cases more than before.
  20. Believe it or not... I buy this lol. Not necessarily from the kids maybe but just and general increase of activity resulting from kids being back in school.
  21. Most people go get tested when someone they’ve been around has shown symptoms or tested positive regardless of age.
  22. https://www.athleticbusiness.com/athlete-safety/study-high-school-sports-have-not-spread-covid-19.html Ive seen the evidence where outbreaks are traced back to sporting events, but this is literally the only study I could find. It’s well proven that sunlight exposure kills covid fairly quickly, so I could see an issue with indoor sports (I saw hockey was one of the sports at issue) but am not sure outdoor sports should be discouraged with precautions. You said there was barely any testing for kids. My response was to show thats not true.
  23. Considering they’re much less likely to show symptoms, that makes a lot of sense.
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