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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. I get both sides. There’s a lot of younger healthy people that aren’t concerned about covid for themselves, and also aren’t scared of vaccines (myself included). To me, statistically, there isn’t a whole lot of reasons to be concerned for YOURSELF from either.
  2. Just stop making scientists the mouthpiece for policy and problem is solved. (No, i'm not saying scientists shouldn't be responsible for helping advise and direct policy).
  3. I don’t think he’s a clown. But I do think he’s on a path to not finishing the pandemic in a favorable light.
  4. There’s plenty of states with stricter voting laws than Georgia (including democratic ones).
  5. There's still not a lot of explanations that make sense for what's going on there... I know people have said variants are responsible but aren't the variants everywhere now?
  6. No, I said "people WERE silly", meaning people WERE unrealistic, which is the same as "it is unrealistic" or "it is silly". They're interchangeable phrases you dolt. Again, you came into this thread and didn't get the standing ovation you were expecting, and now you're arguing semantics in an attempt to save face but actually just embarrassing yourself further. Of all the buffoons that have served as the squeaky wheel in this thread, you've got to be the biggest. Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled "propaganda."
  7. Words related to silly in merriam webster: unrealistic. https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/silly Since you need it. Are you done yet?
  8. Saying something is "completely unrealistic" is equivalent to saying it's silly. You're arguing semantics. See how easy it is to disagree with someone without making accusations of "pseudoscience", bad faith, and ill intentions?
  9. My 80% was in reference to this summer, because in your post I quoted, you said people were silly to expects no masks by "the summer". That' not misleading, its called you lacking reading comprehension-ironic that you were passing judgment on others for that. I got that information from @BuffaloWeather who was extrapolating data he got from the CDC.
  10. You're arguing that I said "vaccinated" instead of "fully vaccinated" and therefore trying to mislead people? I know I have come after quite a few people for name calling, but arguing with a bunch of pro vax people in a Covid thread that they are not pro vax enough or claiming they are purposefully misleading people with their CDC references and cited information makes you a dipshit, and calling out reasonable people who have been very hard on people actually spreading disinformation for "covering for propagandists" makes you look like a dumbass, not the white knight you think it does.
  11. This thread is my daily reminder.
  12. Agreed. I think in our current political climate a reason to divide people even further is probably a bad idea.
  13. Had anyone died from Covid after getting their first dose?
  14. If you think this place is an echo chamber you haven’t been here long. Sports and every other major event plan on being full capacity in the fall. I’ll be vaccinated and I’ll be there, along with 80k other people (per game) You keep doing you though. And, you want to talk about misinformation? How about acting like being vaccinated doesn’t prevent you from dying from Covid, which is really all that matters. Or, that there’s any good reason not to live life like normal when everybody who wants the vaccine has gotten it. Because as far as I can tell the only reason you came in here to spread your self righteous bullshit.
  15. You’re talking about the people providing cdc/government links for everything they are posting.
  16. Hey well if wearing his mask until summer 22 makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside, he can go right ahead and do so. Won’t be many people joining in though.
  17. There's no use arguing with somebody who thinks we need restrictions until there is a zero percent chance anyone can catch covid or have symptoms.
  18. It's has been, so far, 100% percent effective at preventing death (and I believe hospitalizations thus far). 96% of people not getting seriously sick isn't good enough for you?
  19. @Powerball Anything else I don't understand?
  20. Depends what you call "much of the country". Good luck expecting people to keep wearing masks when 80% of them have been vaccinated and deaths are extremely low.
  21. I have a feeling the corporations that managed to pay zero taxes when they were 21% will still mange to pay zero taxes when they are 28%
  22. Lot of those kids are going to have antibodies. Lots of them already do.
  23. Are you referring to the deep division that goes from average joes to the highest levels of government?
  24. Surely that means they have some info that not all the vaccines they currently have are getting used? Seems strange.
  25. The number of homeless people living in the downtown area?
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