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Posts posted by bristolri_wx

  1. 29 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

    Lol wow... They really deleted it? It's a God damn online forum. People want to talk. Let them talk. 

    I think the question becomes, do you want a weather forum to become social media, with all the vitriol that goes along with it?  It looked like things were getting personal at the end.  Sometimes you're better off not knowing the political leanings of your online "friends", so you can just banter about the weather and enjoy it.

    To keep my post on topic - seems like QPF is down across the board for most of eastern New England on all the 00z models.  Only the 12K nam gives any areas more than an inch east of the CT river... was hoping this could be a nice soaker for the garden...

    • Like 4
  2. 2 minutes ago, Sn0waddict said:

    Looks like the worst avoided this part of CT thankfully. UI outages are below 300 total people.

    It's just been a constant "roar" of wind here for the last 4 hours or so.  Worse down at the immediate coast.  It was fun traveling over the Mt. Hope Bridge with the crosswinds blowing across the deck.

  3. This place has gone insane in the membrane...

    No it doesn't look good here on out, but again, there will be *chances* for some wintry weather, even in SNE, last two weeks of Feb into early March.  I've been looking at the CFS long range on Pivotal for most of the winter, and while it's obviously not perfect, it has actually been rather consistent in the long range with what we have been seeing in terms of pattern and the resulting lack of snow this winter.  I've always thought the CFS was garbage but for whatever reason this winter its been pretty decent, and it's showing some colder conditions in a week or two, with maybe some storm chances that coincide with it.  So I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt - some of the other guidance suggests that as well.

    I guess if we don't have any snow outside that we can watch melt, might as well be the posters in this forum...

    • Weenie 1
  4. Just now, JC-CT said:

    For the most part, cold air won vs forecast 

    Agreed. It's always interesting how quickly that warm air moves in.  Probably could have gotten another half inch if it didn't switch over.  Par for the course at my locale for almost the majority of snow events.

  5. Was driving home when the squall hit earlier - on the Mt. Hope Bridge, half the bridge was perfectly clear, but you could see “fog” and then hit a wall of snow on the Bristol side.  Whiteout.  Picked up a quick 1/3” here.  Probably didn’t last more than 30-45 minutes total.  Definitely looking, feeling, and sounding like winter out there right now.  Definitely been a nice December, even out here in RI snow hole country.  We’ve piecemeal-ed ourselves to 9” of snow on the season so far, through front ends, back ends, squalls, and one meh storm.

    • Like 1
  6. Heh, if you want to “prove” above normal temps are coming, noaa temp probability maps are the way to go.  They are always above normal lol.  I think I saw above normal temps listed in the farmers almanac as well. Get the shorts and sunscreen ready.  Open the pool. I’ve got a TripTick for Cape Cod ready to go.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Snow88 said:

    Every model yesterday had the bulk missing sne

    For clarification I was replying to the other post. yes I agree, not sure what models actually showed this outcome, even if blended. This was definitely a storm where experience and skill (which I admittedly don’t have) would win out over modeling output.

  8. 2 minutes ago, eduggs said:

    There's too much gambling and gut "calls" is "meteorology." It does a disservice to professional forecasters who have a lot riding on their decisions.  Stupid "calls" should be called out for what they are.  And as far as I can tell (been following this thread for days), you guys really dropped the ball in this regard.  

    My call was model consensus.  It worked out very well this time and almost always beats human forecasters.

    Which models? Because the models I’ve been looking at were not showing the QPF required for a widespread 3-6” event up until the very last minute IMO...

    • Like 1
  9. I wasn’t expecting much personally in my location - but it did end up being a disappointment when “part 2” was on the table for almost 2 days worth of modeling and then suddenly disappeared a few hours before it’s going to happen. Would rather have it just been modeled out to sea earlier on. But that’s emotion talking, not science. You have to wonder if this storm will end up being a case study for the scientists and engineers who work on the models...

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