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Posts posted by bristolri_wx

  1. 1 minute ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Man .. you def in minority. I would estimate 2-3 years since I logged onto a PC to post. To each their own

    I work in IT so 75% all my posting is done from a 13” MacBook Pro docked to a nice high res display - but that’s only because I’m in front of it 8-12 hours a day.

    However posting from a mobile device isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be thanks to the forum upgrades. Even the model sites really aren’t to bad on a large phone display. And you have RadarScope as well.

    In 2021 you can have the best of both worlds and not be too handicapped using one or the other…


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  2. Just now, weathafella said:

    ECMWF is not a government entity as far as I know.

    "The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts is an independent intergovernmental organization supported by most of the nations of Europe" -Wikipedia.

    Yes, not a branch of the EU.  But we can still do better.  We know how the ebbs and flows of politics have affected NOAA the last 10-20 years... but you are 100% correct in your response.  The reason why humans interpret models and predict weather is because models aren't perfect, even as they improve and gain resolution.

  3. Just now, 78Blizzard said:

    Instead of dealing with data issues on the v16 and FV3, NCEP should commission a team to study why all of its models are so different so close in this winter.  It's not enough to say that each model has its own idiosyncrasies, because garbage in = garbage out.

    The GFS outputs for the entire globe.  Why does NCEP care that much about a margin of error of 50 miles on a storm in such a small geographic area?  Not making excuses here, it's just that New England snowfall accuracy in the coastal plain is just one of millions of chaotic events going on at any given time that the models need to predict.

    That being said, if the US put the same resources into weather modeling like the ECMWF does, we would be better for it.  We used to be the best at this, and we no longer are.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

    Lol thats current actual depth

    Ugh - yup my bad!  I looked at 2/7 date but didn't look at the time. (00:00 UTC is right now lol).   Grrr...  but my comment still applies to the "snow depth" model maps overall.  I've never found them to be as accurate as the forecasted snowfall maps when you compare them side by side.  I know the depth models try to compensate for compression and melting if applicable...

  5. 10 minutes ago, ma blizzard said:



    These modeled depth maps don't seem to reflect the weather... weather.us has them for a number of models as well and they don't often correlate with the actual snowfall conditions.   Then they 'update' themselves after a storm and they make more sense.

  6. 7 minutes ago, ScottieBird said:

    I got my balls busted on this forum this AM for giving you Eastern folk a preview of coming attractions. Begrudgingly we gotta give the folks at the weather Channel some props for getting a better handle on this forecast than BOX or most broadcast outlets. That being said a thrilling storm. I'm sitting in a parking lot in north Kingstown, RI a few miles west of the Bay watching the snow pile up loving every minute of it. 

    I don't think it was ball busting as much as you throwing in the towel pretty early on.  Yes, the outcome eventually was a bust.  But you admit yourself that three miles west of you the forecast is much closer to what was expected.  Conditions could have easily changed where the snow piled up a little more east of the bay.  It's not like North Kingstown is a bastion of high snowfall totals in the winter time like NW RI.

    The Weather Channel and Ch. 10 did end up with a better forecast for eastern parts of RI...

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, TheSnowman said:



    I am NEVER Starting an Obs Tread Again!!  


    7 Hours of Heavy Snow - 2.25"!!!!  And SOUTHERN Rhode Island, which gets Crap, has 7.5"!!!!  

    Don't feel bad, only about an inch here!  You doubled up from my house.  Looks like it's more of an east/west thing this time around than a north/south.

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  8. 1 minute ago, wxsniss said:

    To state the obvious, important to note... that's additional accumulation beginning after 7pm

    Many areas of CT already exceeded that map

    True - yet the expectation was the worst of this storm would be through 10PM for areas in the coastal plain.  That's definitely not gonna happen at this point with this map issued at 5PM.  Even my conservative 4-8" is gonna bust here...

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