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Everything posted by bristolri_wx

  1. Euro significantly east from 12z.
  2. I think this storm has been tough on all the models... https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2021/HENRI_graphics.php?product=5day_cone_with_line
  3. Maybe this is funnier than it should be because it's 1AM...
  4. That's true... except 12 hours ago there were models in two different camps. Now the only one that's farthest west is the ICON. All the globals and regionals I can see on Tropical Tidbits have it coming in somewhere between E LI/SE CT and SW RI. That seems to be pretty solid evidence of where landfall might be 18 hours out... just waiting for the Euro to see what the trend is...
  5. I just can't see it. There's a point on the map due north maybe a smidge nnw of the eye and it's moving right towards it, lol. Otherwise I don't care either the farther away from my house the better... but it's not looking like that.
  6. Looking at it on radar... seems to be going where it was predicted. NNW turn is required for E CT/W RI landfall...
  7. Don’t all the emergency prep guides state to gas up? Is that hype? I’m not going crazy myself but I did gas up both my cars…
  8. I feel like the 10m wind charts are as accurate as the 2m temp charts…
  9. “While My Accordion Gently Weeps”
  10. I’m fine with it not getting stronger. This thing can keep moving east for all I care. The track right now is not great for where I am. Thankfully I have elevation off the water. However downtown Bristol is gonna be a mess from this. Including some flooding during high tide…
  11. In all honesty, it was probably only moved 20 miles east... lol...
  13. Ugh... those of us contending the eastward trend on the models... it's not like we thought it was going to go east of Naragansett Bay... we just contend it wasn't going to make landfall in western CT or NYC... jesus... sometimes the made up narratives are fascinating... like the "conflict" is required part of the discussion lol...
  14. I don't think that person has posted in this thread in a while... lol...
  15. LOL the discrepancy on who cares about this storm is as diverse as the modeled LF tracks. In all seriousness there's probably much more interest in what this storm does for those of us in the coastal areas, especially areas that may end up east of the eye, then those further inland where it will be certainly falling apart pretty quickly.
  16. True... but they could have camped out at some nice places on the CT coast as well...
  17. This could also be because the grid has weird boundaries with the way the power flows. Most of the towns on the border in RI don't have direct connections with the towns in MA. You think it would in 2021, especially when the same company owns the distribution lines on both sides of the border.
  18. It's just hard to tell. Obviously this won't be the strongest hurricane to hit the area. But there's much more infrastructure now than there was 100 or even 75 years ago, and we're more dependent upon it than ever. Also, we never do well with strong south winds with fully leafed out trees. Maybe it won't be the worst but it's sure not gonna be good...
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