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About Kaner587

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    New York, New York
  • Interests
    Hematology/Oncology Fellow

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  1. @uofmiamihowd you make out? Assume 2 or less. I’m up at windham for the wknd we got about 1 here still snowing lightly
  2. It ranges from 150-300 feet generally along either side of northern blvd. Where I am in laurel hollow elevation ranges 190-220. The peak elevation is actually in the west hills area with a max elevation of just under 400 feet
  3. Woke up at 3am and already had a coating. Knew we were in for 6+ after that. Seriously doubted it when I went to bed
  4. The biggest issue I noticed was when rates slipped below 1.5/hr then compaction starting eating away at totals. In the period from 8am-10am and then again 1115-1pm totals rapidly increased but between 6-8am and 10-11;15 despite decent rates it barely kept up with compaction
  5. There’s a 8. 1 in glen cove 8.7 in locust valley 8.25 in dix hills further SE towards Jericho tpke, a 7.5 in north syosset 7.8 in muttontown 8 in commack and 7 in smith town. Paints a very clear picture that from about central Nassau between Jericho tpke and north of northern blvd there was likely a local max of 7-9 inches
  6. East hills Glen cove, locust valley and laurel hollow, the area along northern blvd central Nassau on east did very well. At about 5pm I was out sledding at a friends (we’re both in laurel hollow off 25a) and there was still easily 7in on grass after compaction so 8in+ for that region makes sense
  7. @uofmiamileft for work right as final band was coming through and I was around 7 or just over so imagine 7.5-8
  8. Nice! Down to mod snow now maybe we can pick back up a bit in the next 30 mins as bands swing through
  9. I got 4.25 about 20 mins ago. Been banging at 1.5-2in/h since 730
  10. Nice the separation of 1.5 miles does not seem to be making a huge diff lol hope all is well
  11. Not saying it’s right and who knows maybe ratios will be 6:1 but euro and hrrr have 0.75-0.9 falling in 3 hours over the metro
  12. @uofmiami 1.75 on the grass here you have any measurements yet
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