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Everything posted by Dan76

  1. Little over 2 weeks https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/mlb-spring-training-2020-pitcher-catcher-reporting-dates-for-all-30-teams/ar-BBZpHwc
  2. If you know a service manager that's the one to buy.
  3. No cell phones yet lol...we've come a long way
  4. https://www.americanwx.com/bb/profile/36-osumetstud/ Anyone here from him
  5. I was looking at some news reporter up there and they said total is about 4' OTG
  6. 62 KTS https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=44139 37 ' seas
  7. Who says that?....everyone's mother?
  8. Oh I remember the 80's. Also '78 93-94 '96 good with the bad.
  9. The new reality. Sorry 88
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