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Everything posted by Dan76

  1. Looks like fall here when your on a boat and looking to the north.
  2. He's a clown now begging for ''Rich'' people to come back to the city.
  3. Gas stations here that sell x amount of gallons of gas are mandated to have gennys.The way they restore power down here is the most customers that are out on 1 line goes first than the 1 house that is in the sticks is last.
  4. If everything goes right we can take down the whole North East grid with the next storm.....weeks and weeks
  5. What the hell happened to the murder hornets?
  6. 62 KTS https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=44065 Water temp 69lol
  7. 62 KTS https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=44065
  8. Beaches closed here for 3rd day in a row lol (Shark in the pond)
  9. What was eaten by the shark?
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