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Everything posted by Dan76

  1. Does a pretty good version of Pink Floyd's Dogs.
  2. Getting better here not as humid.
  3. Ordered a cap for my pickup I bought in March.....see you in September lol.
  4. 54 kts https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=robn4
  5. Nothing here either all over the ocean.
  6. I was watching 2 today in my back yard listing to eating worms/bugs in the grass pretty cool
  7. When they got rid of leaded gas is when it be came a problem.
  8. Oh their here on the S shore
  9. Pretty good rain in long beach tonight.
  10. ''Just when you had the answer I changed the question''
  11. ''Lost all your Tolland privilege's''
  12. Not as bad here .LONG TERM /FRIDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY/... A cold front will get east of the region on Friday. A tight pressure gradient will result in breezy, if not gusty conditions to start the day. A potent shortwave shown by the global models is progged to swing through by later in the day or early evening. This should result in a second surge as far as the winds and wind gusts go. Thinking that there is the potential for 40 mph gusts region wide with strong CAA pattern setting up late in the day and into the evening. Overall the day should be mainly dry, with just the chance of a few widely scattered showers and sprinkles with mainly PVA and low level convergence driving any lift, but the low levels will be dry. The temperatures wave will lag the pressure wave, thus Friday will be a fairly mild day with the wind resulting in some dry adiabatic compression. Thus, temperatures should be close to 70 across much of the region on Friday before the noticeably cooler air comes in during Friday night as the winds become more NW. By Saturday morning near freezing wind chills are expected across far northern sections.
  13. Very few carbs and it cuts to the chase post haste.
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