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Everything posted by hudsonvalley21

  1. As long as it’s showing an event, it’s good. Where it tracks is anyones guess this far out.
  2. GFS & CMC QPF maps at 240 hrs. for comparison
  3. Excellent post. Hopefully most will understand it and just sit back and let things unfold.
  4. No flurries here this morning, cloudy and breezy. 0.38 in the bucket for yesterday.
  5. As seen in today’s 12 and 18z runs of the GFS. I guess if it’s still showing an event on 12/13 let’s see how long it holds on to the idea.
  6. DCA _ NYC _ BOS ___ ORD _ ATL _ IAH ____ DEN _ PHX _ SEA -0.4 -1.3 -1.2 -2.1 1.1 1.7 0.3 0.5 -2.2 DCA _ NYC _ BOS ___ ORD _ DTW _ BUF ___ DEN _ SEA _ BTV 13.2 29.3 46.2 42.8 44.0 90.0 48.7. 8.2 96.3
  7. They are working on going wireless soon.
  8. Congratulations on your son’s graduation and your youngest determinations . Wishing both of them great success
  9. Glad to hear you made it there ok (just white knuckles on the steering wheel). Enjoy the time with your family.
  10. I see your porn map and raise you a weenie map and so it begins.
  11. Rob, the first snow map and no snowhole for you
  12. DCA: +4.1 NYC: +3.9 BOS: +3.7 ORD: +4.7 ATL: +3.0 IAH: +3.1 DEN: +2.0 PHX: +1.0 SEA: +0.3
  13. I agree with you especially at the lower elevations. I believe you’re correct with the influence. keep on running with the tradition, it’s been working well so far
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