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About MetalCapsFan

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Baltimore (Remington)

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  1. Bottomed out @ 5.4 deg early this morn here in chilly Charm City, though the temp has recovered nicely to a positively 'sweltering' 16.9 haha. Happy Holidays to all you weenies from a long time lurker! Cheers!
  2. Temp dropped a coupla deg to 37.8 w/ winds picking up and light flizzarding here in B'more City a coupla miles north of downtown
  3. Thanks for the replies, the tornado that went through Bowie a couple of weeks ago passed about 1/4 mile from my mom's, and my bro lost power for 4 days in the severe storms last week, so keepin' an eye on the sky for them. Cheers!
  4. Hey, have relatives down in Bowie, anything to be concerned about here?
  5. 26/18 w/ tiny flakes starting to come down in Hampden/B'more City, roads are salted, shame it's all gonna wash downhill into the Harbor from here in a few hours
  6. 34/27 w/ light snow now visible in the street lights here north of downtown B'more, got 3 or 4 inches in the last event, so will be nice to get snow-on-snow in the shady parts of the backyard.
  7. 36/31 w/ steady snow here in B'more City, some rain and pingers to start out earlier, but full changeover in the last 30 mins, cartopping action in progress!
  8. Was out doing food delivery earlier this evening for awhile in the Towson/Timonium/Hunt Valley area, def was cool to see the first flakes of the season falling in late November (and not sticking on the roads haha), though there was nothing happening by the time I got back to the lowlands in Hampden/B'more City, lame!
  9. St. Louis Arena tornado damage from 1959...
  10. Anything to be concerned about here on the velocity scan?
  11. Getting hail and heavy rain here in Hampden/Baltimore City, constant T&L
  12. Yeah, getting hail here along w/ giant rain drops near Hampden in B'more
  13. 40.3 w/ steady rain @ 10:15 in B'more City 2 miles NNW of downtown. The occasional large frozen something can be seen in the streetlights
  14. Giant snow missiles coming down now with the sleet in B'more City under the heavy radar returns, street is totally covered again after the plow came thru awhile ago, 27.9 deg
  15. Some big flakes now mixing with the sleet in 2 miles NNW of downtown in B'more City
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