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Everything posted by hstorm

  1. Beautiful steady snow in the band. We had been on the southern fringe for the past few hours, with occasional bursts. Steadier now.
  2. We mixed/changed for ~20 mins in Great Falls. All snow again.
  3. 4.5” in Great Falls at 6:55. Still all snow here. 25.5 degrees.
  4. A crisp 15.3 degrees. Perfect weather before a snowstorm.
  5. For anyone who hasn't been following closely, UKMET has been the most southern model for a few runs. 12z appears to be marginally further south than 6z, but no drastic shift.
  6. This may be the best post of the thread (for anyone who remembers last year(
  7. We shouldn’t let facts get in the way of irrational panic and despair.
  8. Round 2 started quickly in Great Falls. Not as heavy as the first squall, but steady snow. 33.4 degrees
  9. Coming down nicely now. Temp down to 37.6.
  10. Snowing now in Great Falls. 39.7 degrees.
  11. Drove through a decent snow squall on Route 7 around Loudoun One. Just cloudy in Grear Falls.
  12. Driving home from dinner earlier tonight, Georgetown Pike was treated. Route 7 was not (at least west of Great Falls). 7-11 parking lot in Great Falls has enough rock salt on it to last through 2027.
  13. 15.4 here. Other stations around us look like they were between 13 and 15.
  14. High was 32.0. Currently 28.8.
  15. 22.3 this morning in Great Falls. 30.9 now.
  16. Intensity has picked up a bit more. Deck is getting dusted.
  17. Light snow just started again in Great Falls. A bit heavier than earlier this morning. 36 degrees.
  18. Light snow falling in Great Falls.
  19. Still flipping back and forth with intensity, but now all rain outside of the heavier bursts. 37 degrees.
  20. Still light snow and sleet in Great Falls. Temp up to 38.1.
  21. Very light snow and sleet in Great Falls. Maybe some rain mixed in too. 37.0 temp.
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