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Everything posted by hstorm

  1. NAM had nothing at 12z (or 6z, I believe). So something may be step in the right direction, even if weak and south.
  2. Ukie also tracks the fall line, but somewhat better S&E.
  3. CMC actually has a pretty nice 24-hour snow map for Weds, even though we miss the best to the south.
  4. Flurrying in Great Falls.
  5. 12.7 for the low. Feels like snow. Beautiful gray winter morning.
  6. 12z GFS misses just south for Sun/Mon (but looks better than 6z).
  7. As a kid growing up in southern New England, Walt's AFDs were always a great and informative read (especially before an impending winter storm).
  8. 19.0 for the low.
  9. Flurries in Great Falls. High of 34.3 today. 28.6 now.
  10. FWIW, 18z ICON looks to be gearing up for some accumulating snow at end of run (18z Sunday).
  11. 24.1 this morning.
  12. Up to 25.6. Just switched on our A/C.
  13. 19.8 for the low.
  14. 25.5 at 9:30 22.1 just above the snow. Impressive gradient over a few feet.
  15. Low of 22.5.
  16. Flakes coming down in Great Falls. 28.2 degrees.
  17. I grew up in southeastern New England. In grade school, we once went 7 straight years without a snow day. It was not for lack of snow. Unless it was a true blizzard or an ice storm, you got yourself to school. Didn't matter if it was still snowing in the morning, or the side roads hadn't yet been plowed. When the default decision is that school will be open, the excuses ("the roads haven't been plowed," "there is ice at the bus stop") melt away.
  18. Was about to type the same thing. It looks better. Just less snow.
  19. That makes more sense and lines up more closely with what we had here -- I didn't do a final measurement, but we were likely around 6.5 post-ULL. We got a little a bit out of the lull band, but less than you. IAD likely missed that band entirely.
  20. Ignore this. I was looking at 98 hours and my tired brain thought it was end of run.
  21. Still snowing lightly on ICON at end of run too.
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