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Everything posted by hstorm

  1. 36 here with some scattered light frost in the colder spots.
  2. Sorry if I am missing the obvious, but where is "Northern SERC"?
  3. We are ~2 weeks past average last frost for the urban areas. Don't know the actual odds, but seems doubtful for a freeze. Average last frost in the N&W suburbs is ~April 18-25 (depending on how far N&W you go).
  4. This inspired me to go back through my phone and look at some old photos. Trees in our yard seem to be about 7-10 days ahead of last year.
  5. 49.8 overnight. Already feels like it’s going to be a warm one.
  6. Certainly. But IAD went down to 30 on Sunday morning (and was at 30 for ~3 hours) in similar conditions except for the southerly breeze.
  7. I think the best explanation for last night's IAD low is that they kept a decent southerly breeze until ~5am.
  8. 33.1 with light frost in Great Falls. A few degrees warmer than yesterday.
  9. 30.6 for the low in Great Falls. Happy Easter!
  10. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. This one video is not conclusive. It certainly is not enough to suggest a crime. We should wait to see what all the evidence shows before drawing any conclusions. The one conclusion we can draw is that -- at a minimum -- this was a terrible and likely avoidable tragedy.
  11. Right, but there is no basis for the article's statement. I'm sure that investigators can figure out the speed of each vehicle, and it's entirely possible that they were speeding, but the article appears to be just drawing the conclusion from the fact that the two cars are going faster than the others. That alone, however, doesn't support the conclusion.
  12. I don't think you can conclude that from the video because you don't see anything leading up to the crash. My best distillation of the video is that the gray car was merging into the left-most lane to pass the minivan. The white car was in its blindspot. Gray car driver kept merging (because they didn't see the white car) and clipped the front of the white car, causing the gray car to flip. Both cars may have been speeding, but can't tell that from the video (they are going faster than the other cars, but we don't know the speed of any car, etc.). Plus, speeding alone -- unless truly excessive -- can't support a vehicular manslaughter charge.
  13. You don't get points for camera tickets anywhere, insofar as I am aware. It's done that way to avoid disputes over who was driving the car (which is almost impossible to prove for a camera ticket).
  14. Vehicular manslaughter requires proof of gross negligence by the driver. That's a tough standard that goes far beyond bad driving (it essentially requires a knowing disregard for a risk to human life). While we certainly don't know all of the facts, I'm skeptical that gross negligence could be shown in this case.
  15. That stinks and is one reason why I am glad that we have no other pools near us. Little risk of kids being poached or heading to a different pool. (On the flip side, we have a significant waitlist, so hard to bring in new kids.)
  16. Somewhat concerned that WB's goons might knee-cap Heisy for not writing WB 6z WB eps WB @ WB 144 (WB)
  17. Light snow in Great Falls. 40 degrees.
  18. Corrected to reflect Weenie Rule #17: No one should care what the GFS says beyond 3 days unless it shows snow. If it doesn't show snow, wait for the GEFS.
  19. Correct term, per the lawyers, is WB 18Z EUROd (TM)
  20. Snow (and graupel) just started in Great Falls. 37 degrees.
  21. We had 50.2 in Great Falls, so your car’s 48 seems reasonable.
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