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Everything posted by hstorm

  1. Still not much wind here except for a few quick gusts. Drive the kids to swim practice and back (fortunately not cancelled). Wasn’t that bad. 54.7
  2. Our kids (and us) are of the same view as your 5th grader. Seems silly to cancel activities and close school gyms for what is (so far) a pretty unremarkable rain and wind storm. Perhaps it gets worse later, but after-school activities would be done by then. Obs: Some rain, some wind, some puddles. 51.8 degreees.
  3. Current obs: Rain with an increasing risk of puddles. Also a light breeze. 47.5 degrees.
  4. Further to this, Scandinavia is also having its coldest winter in decades.
  5. 28.2/24 here in the alps of NW Fairfax County.
  6. Looks like IAD hit 43 as well. 42 here. Now at 40.3
  7. Seems mainly due to an increase in QPF (which leads to more front-end snow). Overall thermals seem largely the same as 12z.
  8. FWIW (likely not much), 18z HRRR appears to be a little colder both aloft and at the surface than 12z.
  9. Only need to go back 20 years: https://www.magnoliareporter.com/news_and_business/regional_news/article_2bc7cc1c-2b70-11e1-a4d1-0019bb2963f4.html Nice to see the WWA extended to cover us, though skeptical of the "light ice glaze" risk.
  10. That was my very amateur read as well. Looked almost identical to 18z.
  11. I will take this as gospel with our 340' elevation. More seriously and on topic, agree that past experience suggests a significant NW/SE FFX county gradient in NoVA.
  12. Don't know about VA generally, but here is the Fairfax County LiDAR site: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/maps/topographic-data
  13. Same 108 hour time, right? Just 10:1 vs. Kuchera.
  14. Light snow in Great Falls. 40 degrees.
  15. 57.9/29.3 today in Great Falls.
  16. 46.4/23.4 today in Great Falls. Today was the end for the last few patches of snow on the north side of our house.
  17. I'm just making an assumption, but it looks like the temperature output is somewhat skewed over water. For example, it seems unlikely that all of Norway would be -10 to -25 C (which is below normal), while the air temperature just off the coast is 0 to 5 (which, as you note, would be well above normal). The gradient tracks the coast perfectly, which seems to me to be a red flag. (I could be entirely wrong here. Just using logic and not any science.)
  18. Seasonable now is very close to what seasonable was 10 years ago.
  19. Looks like 1” in Great Falls (measured very unofficially on my car top; too hard to get a good measurement on the grass).
  20. Beautiful to wake up to the snow covered ground. Didn’t go out to measure but certainly more than last winter’s total in Great Falls. 32.9 degrees.
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