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About Christina311

  • Birthday September 8

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  1. I'm flying into Denver on Saturday, spending the night there, and driving up to Wyoming on Sunday. I have a hotel in Wheatland WY Sunday night, and the plan is to leave really early and head to Casper, a couple of hours northwest. Wheatland is in the path of totality so worst case scenario like bad traffic, I will still see it. But Casper is my goal. My hotel in Wheatland is over $500 for one night. Casper had a couple of one star motels going for $1500!
  2. sounds like a freight train

  3. Some day I'll be in the right place at the right time

  4. There's always next season

  5. 2013 just isn't the year......

  6. Looking good! In that first picture, why does the ground look so red? Is that really the color of the soil or is it just that picture?
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