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Everything posted by Torchageddon

  1. We got buried here with an epic snowfall around 60cm total (in 36 hours) by dawn this morning! This was insanity, it was also wet so shoveling was a feat for the strong. This is probably the most impressive snowfall I've seen since living here to go from nothing at 3pm Thurs to deep winter during a high-snow winter just throws one for a loop! I saw things I haven't seen previous like plows down my street halting mid-stride, getting stuck on a corner for 8 seconds wheels spinning in place, and taking far longer with more maneuvers. The band moved south then a new one came down then migrated up north giving us some sun by 11am and partly sunny though filtered in the aft. Roads are wet not snow covered - its a rather unique event as the highways weren't covered during daytime. Nothing was cancelled! TWN's silly prediction of another 35-45cm was a huge bust, I thought closer to 10-15 but after 8am I doubt we got even 3cm. If we did get another dump it would've been bad, like Lucan ON thump on Dec 4-8 2010 bad (177 cm of snow fell during a 102-hour period for them). First time Hanover is on a short list, finally.
  2. TWN upped my Sat snow amounts even further to a wild 35-45 cm! That would only be 5cm less than the historic forecast of 50 for the Xmas Flizzard of 2022 that may have been for 1 day. I'm in ground zero within this region for LES the map shows me in the highest contour: Thick bands for north Huron and Lake Ontario.
  3. Last Night to kick things off: A metre of snow is at the high-end of TWN forecast for Gravenhurst! TWN giving me 25-30 cm on Sat alone.
  4. Woke up to 10 inches, everything covered! Very little wind. Now 12". LES band so far is straight w-e right on top which is less common here but not solid as of yet. Getting pounded currently.
  5. I finally got a sustained snow starting at 4pm; just a dusting to kick off this prolonged & significant LES event that will be the heaviest of its kind for late Nov-early Dec since I started. Wunderground is showing 6-10cm each day til Tues whereas TWN has 20cm+ for 3 days so I may be around 50cm come Mon. I'll believe it when I see it they haven't been able to hone amounts. I wonder if I'll get the same tired old band setups since 2015 or maybe something new and exciting will finally occur. Recently I get hosed or some stubborn band sets up just south of Goderich.
  6. It was a very dark day, likely the most bleak of the season thus far. I was under 15,000 lux and most of daylight was 10K or lower with the last 90 mins being under 1600 lux! Essentially the sun may as well have set at 3pm - so damn dim!
  7. I sporadically visit the TWN now since the demise of their desktop layout, and the accuracy for my locale. Instead of looking at 7, 14 day I just ask their own version of AI Assistant what the highest max temp is going to be here, around 4 days ago it spit out that today Monday the 25th would be at a near record of 15C! Wow I thought how so? When I looked at the mid-levels and saw nothing unusual. I found out yesterday it was only going to be 5C from them and other sources lol I ask the AI prompt again last night and it puked out the same BS of 15C for today! Best of all, I tried on a diff system in case browser cache was bungling things up just a few mins ago and now it gives me: That's not in F. The main reason for me visiting TWN now is comic relief.
  8. The often wrong TWN hourlies and day chunks had my first flakes this evening - never happened. WG (has that site been abbrev before?) didn't show any afaik and has spotty rain overnight. My lows are still way abv avg over 6C during midweek. It will also be 6C for the high during the next few days - always 6 this month. Is Eastern KY getting snow before I see flakes? Had way more brightness and sun than expected Thurs, was doomed to be permaclouded.
  9. The permacloud is getting to me too, November's "sweet treat" around here. Did get some wonderful sunny days on Tues and two Sats ago but its not enough. River is getting quite low.
  10. Yep, but to be fair snowsqualls in early Nov is rare or has been during the past 25-40 years in my region. The king was a major dump on Nov 2 1999 around here we were shy of 1.5/2 feet with drifts, Mid-Nov 2000 was insanity and the snowiest on record, a major lake effect snowstorm starting Nov 16 2024 that also gave the southtowns of Buffalo NY their historic 2 meter LES.
  11. I was out there tonight, it feels so warm and even humid. It was 15C for a while but I knew it was even warmer when I went out again - it had risen another 1C to 16 now its 10:30 its 17C! Overnight low could be 17 which would be incredible for Nov 5 (Avg is 1C). DP of 16C by 1am! I forget what the lows were for the 2020/2021 events - I feel this may surpass those for that category. Our lows during these cool season heat events are getting amazing.
  12. In the last week its becoming very cloudy to that majority overcast shit I loathe, I'm starting to feel it now. Its also a dark gloomy type but Sat had a brighter overcast. With DST I really felt it today, the other shoe has dropped. Sunny and November isn't a pairing in my region.
  13. Likely the most humid Halloween I've ever lived through, our high was 22C with humidex of 26 at one point! I hated how dark and dreary it was though, guess it fits. Rain held off til 6pm, got less than 1mm so far.
  14. Still 17C here at 1:30am, It did dip to 16.5 earlier but it rebounds some, hourlies show it could increase til 3am. Some stations nearby even have 19C! Avg low is 2C. Wild!
  15. I'm also going to enjoy some of the historic warmth, already 18C (high of 20C soon), tomorrow high of 23C! Probably near the record but my dataset sucks socks. Most unbelievable; the low overnight of 17C/64F!!!
  16. From earlier run, fantasy land, etc. Among the most insane model depictions I've come across having a 576dm height bubble over southern Greenland at the end of the first week of Nov!!?!
  17. I've noticed there is this weird bug like a small black fruit fly that will land on your wrists/hands and bite, leaving a small welt. Never seen them before. The bugs are bad with the fantastic heat we've had.
  18. Been blessed not to have as much cloudiness as forecast, yesterday afternoon was fine with sun out and then this morning I got hours of sunny breaks with modest clouding up after noon. No rain ever came! The Thanksgiving prize was instead of -1C it only made it down to 3C. For any Canadians left here, happy Thankgiving!
  19. The storm on Sun morning did fizzle, I got gapped! I heard sig thunder and before the split line 150 strikes detected. My station didn't even measure any rain lol. Sun came out early that afternoon too. Some downpours the first in months started last night though. This was a dynamic fall day with heavy showers then full sun minutes later.
  20. Went out for a ride in the morning air before the line of storms hits, I could see darkness, hear thunder off in the distance, tepid breeze, hear the birds chirping like it was Spring, observing the colours, with the sun still shining - memorable! Line seems okay so far on radar and I tend to believe with the number of strikes my station is sensing this may not be a flop, TWN wrote kind of setup we’ll see on Sunday has been known to overperform in the past. Sadly they gave no details nor get into the nitty gritty
  21. Most of the week was pleasant, nice sunny fall vibes with very gradual decrease in temps. Happy with us getting very little rain since Aug, some day recently it was less than 3mm; dried up fast. I can't remember the last time I heard rain on the roof, its been so light and brief. Sun I'm suppose to get a t-storm (me thinks Nov/Dec will be turbulent) on Sunday with 8mm of precip - hope it all misses me or fizzles. It did today; just some clouds mid-day.
  22. Perfect day here for Sep rounding off the best I've experienced. I noticed TWN put me under overcast even rain yesterday and I rightly ignored that shat. Instead it was mostly sunny at times filtered and gorgeous humid breeze til 4:30pm! Clouds were def intriguing morning then late aft when they fomented. We overperformed high temp by getting to 26C feeling like 31!
  23. This has been one of the best stretches of Sep wx in my life, perhaps even better than anything of Sep 2009,2014,2017 here. Sep 2022 was also good at the start being so sunny. We have not had as long a stretch of clear skies with minimal clouds in all of 2024 so having such in mid-Sep is neat. Started around Tues last week that's 10 days of stellar, pleasant bliss. Blessed and thrilled but now stupid overcast has started mid-day and I'm cowed how the extended is evolving.
  24. Cells just starting to form near Kingsbridge ON which will be heading towards me by dinner. That line north is okay but becoming better defined. Delayed a bit from my hourlies, rainfall amounts reduced. Hearing some thunder since 4:30.
  25. I'm in the tiny SLIGHT today here in SON, Wunderground indicates chance of hail in some of those storms. Warming up fast to 29C later. SPC wrote:
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