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Everything posted by Torchageddon

  1. Good phrase, it had to happen after these last few months. I'm a "the hotter the better" type guy but even I don't mind foregoing the heat if it means endless sun for 8-10 days, just as long as its comfy. I also have a feeling it would prevent a rubberband snap to the opposite as has been historically common. This GFS accumulated precip map is extraordinary:
  2. When I checked my 7-day I was stunned to see this: And today has also been changed to full sun no clouds! I'd happily trade more intense heat for something historic like this - I don't see this happening but its a major step in a positive direction . I had 7 days of no clouds during a period in June 2020 helped by less aircraft flying.
  3. This is a cool tornado, vortices would spin up out of nowhere and dissipate just as fast.
  4. On the CFS dashboard the chiclets are getting feisty with a rare 3 day red-x streak for nearly 4 runs - with some dark reds every other day before said period. It sniffed out that memorable TX day earlier this spring (Taylor) 11 days out. I've been watching that May 8-11 period for a while now. If there was ever a time to get a bingo on the SPC dashboard this was it, surprised and disappointed Broyles didn't outline due to a lack of large-scale ascent those Days 7-8. The first dark red-x 372-396 hours before May 11-12: We'll see how close it was to the outcome.
  5. I have ptwd - post traumatic winter disorder. The difference is mine goes away during the summer where I have little memory of how bad things can get and always believe the lie that I can overcome winter's blah mind-numbs.
  6. I just checked the GFS, I'm just relived that it has the GLs deep into the reds too. Its hard to have crappy overcast skies in such a regime.
  7. I'm going to be playing this game again, next Tue is not going to be 21C but more like 28C with a 30C possible. I'd lean to my first 30C reading of the year occurring during next week's heat being a certainty. I can't believe PMX's medium-range forecasts are this bad!
  8. I recall it being after 2013, likely 2015. It was some gorgeous heli shots (from stated media) of weak tornadoes with sun-rays lighting parts of the landscape.
  9. Weird, just before I saw this that scene is exactly what I'd imagined it'd be - like a few other OK tor days.
  10. For those in SE MI how much sunlight was there from Thurs-Sat? I saw some cirrus hanging around close but I didn't have mine til later Sat. Considering the nightmare we're in I was surprised I got that much sun those 3 days which gives me pause.
  11. I lol'd at the tags for this one, as long as its sunny this month I do mind.
  12. Its weird but wonderful waking up to clear blue skies morning after morning, I'm not getting those mid-day slumps anymore and I'm more on the ball. I do have a thin layer of cirrus from the low in the mid-west. Hoping to get over 20C today as the forecast under-estimates during these diurnal swing periods. Likely had the largest swing of the season; -1C overnight.
  13. Even though I checked things a few hours ago I missed the historic tornado, fascinating that its behavior had characteristics to the Wynnewood EF4 and also had a likeness to it on the ground! Briefly it reminded me of the Andover tornado of 1991. How come there was only one post in here while it was actually in progress? Catch that many off guard? https://twitter.com/Tornadof123/status/1520236918822567938?s=20&t=BQwSLNwFJdGf1CR72vaMFg
  14. It seems there needs to be a lot of cloud cover in the Central US/Southern Canada for us in the eastern Great Lakes to get clear skies.
  15. Something very rare: I'm suppose to get 39 hours of sunlight during the next 72 hours including today's full sun . I'm skeptical about "not a cloud til Sun" however I'll take this despite the meager temps. I feel very cold when not in direct sunlight today with that wind.
  16. What is this row of clouds that generated south to north? By 2:40 I'm already mostly cloudy with sunny breaks
  17. I never got myself sorted on the exact differences so I found this article: https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/humidex-vs-heat-index-whats-the-difference/10243 "The equation used to calculate the humidex is different from what is used for the Heat Index in the United States. Therefore, one cannot convert the Heat Index to Celsius to compare conditions in the two countries. For example, at a temperature of 32 °C with a relative humidity of 50%, the Heat Index would be 35 °C, but the humidex would be 39." For the equation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humidex I'm currently sitting at 26C with a humidex of 30. There is just enough of a breeze that unless I'm standing in direct sunlight I still feel a slight tinge of coolness!
  18. Compared to recent it'll feel that way as my humidex is suppose to be 28-30C later. Right now my DP is 13C/55F.
  19. Temp is soaring with full sun here, I went up 1C just in the last 10 mins. Can't wait to feel the sultry airmass.
  20. And there it is: PMX Engine is easy. Trace amounts of snow next week and a whole lot of clouds!
  21. Now 25C, 1C left. Humidex set to a steamy 29C. In less than a day, all this green grass is showing up despite the cold and snow. This was going to be the sunniest day of the next 7, but I've barely got any so far. 9 Hrs of sunlight not happening but its slowly clearing. Tomorrow looks good in the late day so hoping the bulk of the rain occurs overnight and shoves off.
  22. Sun high has been increased to 24C, 2C left to go. The winds this afternoon were wicked, I think even higher than last Fri's event.
  23. Its not tolerable IMBY because below avg doesn't equal sunny unless its Jan/Feb. The last thing I need here is a NW flow!!
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