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Everything posted by ScituateWX

  1. Thunder and lightning here in Pembroke. Winter rolls on
  2. One of the best weather memories I have! I was a senior in High School and it started on my birthday! I remember we had a track meet in Boston at the Reggie Lewis Center and the ride home was wild I give that bus driver all the credit in the world driving from Boston to Scituate as conditions went down Hill fast. The next morning all of the houses down on the shore were caked in ice quite a sight. I remember it all like it was yesterday wow 20 years now!
  3. About 2 here in Pembroke pretty cool daughter got to see snow for the first time!
  4. It's whatever at this point in my world. If we get some snow and I can plow snow great if not the world won't end. I'm going to be a dad in June bigger things to look forward to on the horizon! Take it a few days at a time and see how it shakes out.
  5. New Moon goon! Tides starting to get BIG to the 10FT mark Wednesday peaking at 11.2 Saturday.
  6. Lots of lightning in the cell that came through just before 4. Looked like it was going to miss then blew up right over head.
  7. The sunrise was wild this morning in Scituate Mass. This is from Minot Beach
  8. Yeah been a while since I've seen the combo of snow and winds like that. just relentless banding in our neck of the woods.
  9. Wild day out there! Was plowing most of the day in Scituate. Just got back home to Pembroke eye balling must be close to 2 feet out there!
  10. Cranking here in Pembroke. I will be heading to Scituate soon to plow!
  11. Weenie question. When looking at snowfall maps (which I know should be taken with a grain of salt) what is meant by the kuchera ratio that folks have been posting and talking about? Thanks!
  12. Had maybe about 2 inches here where I am in Pembroke. Like being in a snow globe all day.
  13. Please back that west! I'm actually in Pembroke now but might have to take a trip down to the shore tomorrow after work.
  14. Seems like we will have some chances. If they produce great if not its just weather.
  15. I will be going to the Holiday Pops with the wife at 11:00AM. I'm going to try and slide over to that area after.
  16. That was a wild storm around these parts in terms of lightning. Been a while since I've seen something like that!
  17. Weenie question but when we talk about "wavelengths" shortening what does this mean in terms of what you are looking for on a model?
  18. Winters of Yore! Memory came across FB today.
  19. One would think but even for it being the "18Z Euro off hour run" one would think it would have been a little better outcome given other guidance.
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