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Will - Rutgers

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Everything posted by Will - Rutgers

  1. not a bad prediction honestly
  2. east wind will be nice tomorrow, dews will remain low, should be a stellar day outside.
  3. oddly enough it's using the same nest it did last year although i didn't see it through most of fall and all of winter.
  4. first instar lanternflies are out and there are a lot of them
  5. there's a rock dove at work who made its nest right above a doorway, i saw this morning one of the eggs had fallen out and cracked, very sad.
  6. gonna get to 90 F on a north wind lol
  7. no no, he's got a point. listen, if we can waste money on weather.gov's abhorrent new radar pages, we can figure out a way to end global pollination. my itchy eyes and runny nose depend on this.
  8. i figured water vapor and rainy weather would help wash some of this shit out of the air and off literally every single surface. there's so much of it this year.
  9. whatever the weather is just make the pollen stop. popping so many allergy pills the kids call me Rite Aid. i think at this point i'll take hot and humid over hot and dry.
  10. i am having all kinds of problems with it and additionally i could not access the Mount Holly AFD this morning
  11. such premium weather lately
  12. some blustery spritzes of rain moving through CNJ, i guess this is some kind of frontal passage
  13. is it just me or are there a bunch of deer out there that look a lot mangier than past years
  14. maybe this clearing will lead to some funderstorms later today
  15. i love comfy rainy nights the kind of night a dame with great gams walks into your detective agency at 9:30 PM because she needs help investigating the mysterious death of her husband. she coulda walked into any gumshoe's office in the whole city, and the fella woulda been glad to help her, but she had to pick yours. you light her cigarette and she tells you all about her husband's jealous brother and the fight over their family inheritance. but maybe this widow isn't telling the whole truth... maybe she wanted to do some inheriting of her own. starring Peter Falk, coming to exactly zero theatres near you this summer.
  16. plenty of moisture moving in to support a rainy night for most of us, plus a bonus TOR warning in Maryland.
  17. wow i was like... what the hell are you guys talking about... nothing at all on weather.gov radar. and then i loaded the Rutgers loop and saw how it all just evaporated. well anyway more on the way from PA in several hours.
  18. Hurricane Sandy Sandy is the only tropical cyclone in history
  19. thank you my friend, i pride myself on saying the dumbest things possible and then letting my opposition punch themselves out. good luck beating up a dummy, they win every time.
  20. easy question my man; because it's America's greatest team name. what the hell is an oriole? no one has ever actually seen one, they don't actually exist. fake bird, fake news, great team. America's greatest team, America's greatest name, playing in America's pretty goodest city, Baltimore. it's frankly disgusting that anyone anywhere follows any team besides the Baltimore Orioles. i mean, the Mets? what kind of person follows the Mets? it's sick. someone should do something.
  21. i am not sure why anyone bothers talking about any baseball teams aside from the Baltimore Orioles, who, i will remind all of you, are America's greatest team
  22. the timing is no coincidence... this was clearly a HAARP event. i noticed my 5G vaccine implant buzzing during the exact same window of time.
  23. how can you tell? because of the wall cloud? i mean i assumed that was a wall cloud, and if it's in the middle of a wall cloud that's a good hint right?
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