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Will - Rutgers

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Everything posted by Will - Rutgers

  1. IMBY (Piscataway) it was clear today and a 7P-2A 20% chance. i'm just saying in general, we had 30% chances Monday and Tuesday and the resultant storms covered a much more significant swath of the area, plus they didn't extend the watches either day and IMO they probably could/should have. when i think 30% chance i'm thinking some isolated cells or something not the kind of fairly robust MCC's we saw
  2. i try to refrain from criticizing Mount Holly, because they are professionals and i am a complete doofus with a bachelor's degree in hamster breeding, but i have to say their t-storm forecasting hasn't been great this week. and here we (probably) go again.
  3. lightning is so badass, basically the only thing i look forward to is more lightning. imagine seeing a bolt of forked electricity go miles through the sky and not thinking that's the coolest thing you ever saw in your entire life. not only that, it can happen over and over again, sometimes for hours. just hours of clouds shooting electricity and beating the shit out of everything in their way. trees, golfers, spotted lanternflies, fish just hanging out in the ocean. just stupid playthings getting endlessly electrocuted for the crime of being outside at the wrong time. every time i see a CTG bolt i think, that must've struck something on the ground, and i wonder what the hell that was.
  4. nice squall line, wouldn't be surprised to see some flakes mix in tonight thanks to the low August 11th sun angle
  5. his Lieutenant Governor, Kathy Hochul, will become the first governor of New York from upstate in over 100 years. that's pretty amazing.
  6. Musk put the Roadster in orbit, you probably already knew that and that's a Freudian typo but just saying look my Serious Opinion About Mars (lol) is that if the private investments yield technology that enable us to deal with the kind of engineering problems that are coming up in the next 30 years, well that's great. but otherwise what the f are these people trying to do. there isn't going to be a civilization there. the kind of work necessary pales in comparison to making Earth some kind of environmental paradise and nobody's doing that.
  7. rclab is a beautiful person. the still waters run deepest.
  8. maybe it's just a lack of sufficient selective pressure. maybe American mantids are growing more aggressive or resilient over time to respond to the Chinese threat. this is the Space Race all over again.
  9. they are noxious. large, quickish, stupid insects, and there's forty billion of them. i hate that Mars shit, has anyone told any of these people there's no water or oxygen on Mars? i hope that one day, that alien lizard muppet Jeff Bezos is crossing the street when he's hit by Elon Musk's self-driving Tesla bus, which then promptly self-engulfs in a massive lithium fire. they are two peas in a pod and i hope the pod is full of bedbugs. rclab i don't even want to wake up tomorrow and you're looking forward to 103. do you have any idea how many election cycles that is.
  10. that’s what i mean, not a 2 inch rainer but a decent soak even when the forecast was a 30% chance showers. this radar isn’t 30% chance showers.
  11. probably not an outright coup for the Euro but a nice surprise nice looking cyclone for August 8th
  12. fun fact, if you find a mantis, it's very likely to be one of two invasives, most probably the Chinese mantis Tenodera sinensis but also perhaps the European mantis Mantis religiosa. seems from what i've read that the native Carolina mantis Stagmomantis carolina is a bronze medalist in its own backyard. cats are the ultimate invasives though. keep your cats inside please.
  13. i can't wait to see what life is like in 2050 i'm guessing the average dew point year-round is 80 F and the few remaining survivors of COVID-48 subsist on a diet of spotted lanternflies and boiled plastic waste
  14. so you're saying there's no chance
  15. amazing, three months ago i stop by and everyone here is talking about all the different fancy beers and liquors they're getting into, i come back today and you guys are still drinking. i bet none of you have been sober this entire time. anyway go Orioles i hope we win the world series this year
  16. well hopefully it's punctuated by some storms at least
  17. what an insane month for severe weather. we kicked off with a decaying TC and some record-setting rains, we had weeks of SVR watch days, several huge rain and lightning events, and close with one of the most impactful tornado days in years. what strikes me is how many of these events overperformed. your mileage varied with your location of course but nothing really just busted.
  18. Mount Holly AFD puts a lot on the clearing this morning, maybe a surprise north/central Jersey jackpot due to the rain in SNJ this morning.
  19. can you estimate how far that strike is away from your house?
  20. oh it’s just straight up raining now
  21. beautiful night. getting pinpricked by drizzle or condensing fog.
  22. more from last Saturday
  23. it has been pretty badass. yesterday was a huge overperformer, too. maybe the best day of lightning i've seen in my entire life.
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