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Will - Rutgers

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Everything posted by Will - Rutgers

  1. i mean it's not bad for 3 AM i can definitely give you that and total total lack of flow. it's the old, 30% iso storms, and where they land they flood. i bet someone somewhere in this GIF has 15 inches this month
  2. i would like to clarify some "facts" the MSM left wing liberal lamestream bleedia has been circulating about me in recent weeks first and foremost--i really do live in Piscataway, the world's worst place. there are ten traffic lights within 50 feet of my door and they are always red. secondly, i have been infected by zika virus at least 5 times due to the mosquito pools that build in this endless suburban wasteland of 76F dew points and strange people that are physically incapable of waving hello to you when you pass them by thirdly, help fourthly, i hate it here fifthly, i hate it here sixthly, i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here eighthly, my favorite weather is whatever it will kill me so i don't have to live in Piscataway anymore
  3. 92/73/101 very little steering flow, if anything pops up somebody could flood
  4. i don't know if i'll make it til then
  5. a lot of building air systems are barely designed to handle the kind of dews we have been seeing the last few years. among the billion things I do at my job, i review air handler specifications before i buy them, and 80F is basically the upper limit of the cooling coils we spec. maybe there's some sensitive areas with even more robust design requirements but i haven't seen it. this is for 100% outside air laboratory air handlers. no recycling. the office air handlers recycle air and so are design to mix, say, 50/50 recycled air and outside air. last year due to COVID we went to a 100% outside air protocol for ALL air handlers, even for office areas that were simply not designed to do that. rain in the building became a problem where moist air condensed on the cold surfaces of air diffusers and started to drip. we looked like assholes to the users but it wasn't our fault. as global warming continues its long march to the sea, we are going to spend more and more energy just trying to fend it off--another feedback loop of doom. edit: i know that had little to do with your post but i spent all day sweating to death and, you know, i'm not looking forward to more of it.
  6. so i was doing some reading and learned Hurricane Sally cost $7.3 billion and was the most expensive storm not to be retired. kind of funny that Henri is going to be one of the rainiest events ever for NYC and very likely isn't going to be retired, unless it unleashes some serious flood disasters tomorrow as it pivots.
  7. yes. this is a great forum and as usual everyone in the thread is doing a great job. i appreciate all of the opinions and reports on local conditions.
  8. would anyone like to give me their forecast for CNJ? we've had some rain that's not extraordinary but it does look like the firehose is shifting WSW into my backyard in Middlesex. i'm asking you guys because i respect your knowledge and opinion but also the models are clearly struggling, so your nowcasts would be appreciated.
  9. everyone should put bedbug interceptor coasters under their furniture legs and a bedbug sealant on their mattress and boxspring. i will not take questions
  10. usually i am too afraid to shitpost jokes in a serious thread but Rjay is currently at the store buying seven gallons of 2% milk and a pallet of jumbo eggs the mods are vulnerable boys no but seriously Rjay good luck holy shit
  11. many models, some of the best models, are saying Henri is so weak. he's a total disaster, OK? his inner core, it's so fake and so bad. no one has seen dry air intrusion like this, believe me.
  12. this strengthening breeze really helps cut the humidity
  13. all 10 of them its a small Irish family
  14. oh so when she does it it’s beautiful and amazing and when I feed my children by mouth bystanders call the police. this whole country is bullshit.
  15. buy a salt gun and prepare for war my friend
  16. nice spot There has been a northern expansion of the range of the giant swallowtail in recent years which has been linked to increasingly warm temperatures, and particularly to a lack of September frosts in regions of expansion starting in 2001. Larvae were then able to withstand a few frosts before they pupated. The immediate effects of this warming, as well as their effect on host plants and predators, can explain the giant swallowtail's range expansion.[11
  17. never mind the storms are getting annihilated i will stick to hamster breeding
  18. nice line over PA moving in. I see flashes from well in the distance. again, i am not trying to make some pointed criticism of Mount Holly but these storm threats are more robust than forecast. this air mass just has too much fuel.
  19. lol wow no shit? that's unbelievable. you get better lighting balance than i do. i don't know how to shoot lightning during the day with a 10 second shutter without everything getting blown out and the lightning being dim. probably more a function of the fact i don't know what i am doing than the camera/Lightroom
  20. nice shooting Tex. do you have camera settings and EXIF data, just curious. do you press the shutter over and over again or is there a way to automate shots. i have a D850 but i haven't put the work in to figure it out, i just keep hitting the shutter every 10 seconds.
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