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Will - Rutgers

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Everything posted by Will - Rutgers

  1. still an outside chance of cells firing overnight it looks like, maybe a few of us hit a lottery ticket storm exiting off the jersey coast has been generating lightning for hours, i can see it like lighting up from 50 miles away in piscataway
  2. really nice night, much drier air behind the front
  3. i use the excess pheromones to lure animals that i can kill and eat in lieu of paying these meat prices
  4. 99/55, a little breezy, not the worst conditions i've exercised in
  5. i'm definitely adapting to this heat, which makes me hopeful i will be able to survive 1, perhaps even 2 years into the Resource Wars
  6. i have a vision and must build my best self also i drank 4 cups of coffee today
  7. i walked ten miles starting at 6 PM
  8. i hope everyone has been taking care of rclab while i continue storing my posting energy
  9. maybe a little late night MCS
  10. this weekend is going to be a gem
  11. i am using the power of prayer to keep the heat away you nerds are welcome
  12. comfy night of thunder and rain
  13. weird couple days of weather, this isn’t exactly a typical summer setup for SVR
  14. oh my god bring me the goddamn front already
  15. heavy rain, thunder, wind, and hail in piscataway
  16. joro spider it’s too early for large spiders anyway, if they make it up here you wouldn’t start seeing them until deep summer
  17. looks like good sleeping weather tonight, with a cold front coming in behind the closed low to clear everything out
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