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Santa Claus

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Everything posted by Santa Claus

  1. he is on a delightful jebwalk, whistling a jaunty tune, excited to meet his sweetie for lunch at their favorite spot. after that it’s back to the stock exchange to make another million before dinner
  2. please update the prompt to include rclab with his signature tophat and cane thank you
  3. i was hanging out with my buddy at my apartment doing furniture shopping online about to brave the wilds of Black Friday and go look at some stuff in-store
  4. hey rclab i would appreciate it when you reply to me this time if you include a picture of what bird reminds you most of me. i don't think you will say turkey despite the holiday pun and easy laugh factor. pigeon would be too low rent. my guess might be mockingbird if that is not conceited of me to say so my answer for you is blue heron the chessmaster of air and water
  5. upcoming pattern looking tough, still livable but we've got a lot of dark and cold ahead of us and the slide is getting steeper. it's encouraging me to do more decorating and furnishing of my apartment because i know i'm gonna be spending a lot of time in the bird cage
  6. was there a particular reason people are weenie'ing forky i mean is that result on the table here or not
  7. the giants are not a football team so much as an avatar of dread. they are the flashlight losing battery power in the deep dark forest. they are the first night in your apartment after she leaves you. they are a reminder that not only is there no hope, but that you are the fool for having hope in the first place. they are the GFS of sports.
  8. a boring pattern but not bad for getting out and about during the fall. livable
  9. pretty much every model has it getting destroyed by the front never mind
  10. surprised no lemon on the low east of FL, looks closed and has some convection idk
  11. probably not ideal for a global heat transfer mechanism to collapse, maybe the weeniers know better. i think brian has a climatology degree from School of Rock, ask him
  12. if that trend continues things look bleak for everything
  13. i don’t want to hear it from you babies about how the weekend isn’t nice again. your ancestors killed and ate two of every animal with clubs and spears i don’t want to hear about 50 degrees and light rain. i am walking the park in gym clothes i know you can do it too
  14. beautiful crisp fall night, divine really
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