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Santa Claus

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Everything posted by Santa Claus

  1. good call by forky on the mcs
  2. constant thunder with the cell south of middlesex
  3. it took like 15 minutes for these storms to go from zero radar returns to reds
  4. nice CTG with these storms
  5. sweating, baking, roasting, opening up the pores
  6. maybe but the whole column is so dry
  7. you can pet him he's friendly, he just gets excited sometimes
  8. hey i'm being serious, the lights around here have like 5% of the bugs they usually do, it's the smoke right?
  9. notice how there’s basically no bugs out
  10. overperformer, which model had that one
  11. me: i would like a cool dry and windy summer monkey paw: you got it also canada is on fire
  12. i'm getting owned i am dying
  13. those 75 dews are coming just a little delayed
  14. at least it's not hot and humid too, people would be keeling over
  15. the problem is you get these rains and warmth that drive the blooming and the pollen, and then the rain just stops for weeks
  16. no idea how we evolved to have allergies i am ready to kill myself and end the bloodline
  17. you know there were some impassioned nerd arguments about this going on over tunafish sandwiches and boxed raisins in the NHC lunch room probably at least one D&D night cancelled due to tensions and animosity
  18. my allergies started going absolutely bonkers today idk about anyone else. nothing this year and today just bam
  19. inevitably someone on this forum
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