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About MattMal88

  • Birthday 07/30/1988

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
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  • Location:
    Far NE Philly

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  1. In far NE philly and it feels like snow out there. Setting the bar at 2 inches here, think we get a little surprise and get 4+ though.
  2. Snowing moderately in far NE Philly. 0.5 inches so far. Best rates of the day right now.
  3. Flakes started about 20 mins ago here in NE Philly. Would love to see an inch outta this.
  4. Puking snow out there now. Gotta be pushing an inch eyeballin it.
  5. So much for it having trouble sticking. Was sleeting pretty hard when i just got up at 0615, flipped to snow and immediately sticking to all surfaces. Think the quick layer of sleet helped that. Mod snow now in NE Philly. Roads look like they may suck, ill find out soon enough lol.
  6. The trend is our friend right now. I want to see the rest of the 0z suite continue it to feel any kind of good yet. If we only had a decent airmass this would be a hige hit.
  7. Light snow with the cars and sidewalks coated. Streets still wet. 27 degrees here in NE Philly.
  8. Not sure how the gust was just now but I had my backdoor in my hand to shut it and it was almost ripped clean out of my hand like suction. My whole awning bounced also. Scared the crap out of me if im bein honest lol.
  9. Woke up to a light coating this morning and theres still some very light snow in the air with the radar looking like we're gonna see some bands push through throughout the day. Love this storm even if my area didnt get crushed like the far NW burbs. 4 days in a row of snow!
  10. Sleet and snow mix in NE philly. Probly 70/30 sleet to snow right now. That dry slot is knockin on my door though, hopefully that fills back in once the coastal gets going.
  11. We probly will see some sleet mix in during the lull while the energy transfers to the coast but that precip would be light anyway. After that almost every model has us getting crushed by the coastal. 6-8 is a very conservative forecast. My guess is theyre just leaving room for error and will adjust upwards as this goes.
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