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Everything posted by MIstorm97

  1. That donut hole over SE Oakland County into far N Wayne County on every model appears to have come true haha. Grass tips are poking out still and everything here. Probably added a couple tenths but that is it. This is what I get for being in the jackpot several times the previous few winters. It's still frustrating to be surrounded by 2.5-4" amounts and have just over an inch.
  2. Got an amazing 1.0” in Berkley so far for an event total. Underperforming even my low expectations. Really hate to see it.
  3. Same for here, had good rates but just couldn't stick. The snow board and some grassy surfaces had a slushy tenth for like 15 minutes. A friend in Novi posted a picture in a Twitter chat I'm in and they have about a solid inch covering all grassy and elevated surfaces. That extra few hundred feet of elevation really helps in these scenarios, plus being farther away from the water.
  4. The parking lot at the beach in New Buffalo is still partially destroyed from the spring. That’s probably going to get wrecked more tomorrow. Wonder if Lake Front Drive in Beverly Hills will crumble away more. Between the lakeshore flooding/waves and the LES, it should be intense tomorrow
  5. You already know we're gonna be in that band intercepting and seeing the large waves. Should be a fun day, then I arrive home as the snow is ramping up in DET.
  6. Lakeshore flooding aspect of this storm looks decently significant for Southern Lake Michigan. A recent comparable event would be March 6th, 2020, which had significant erosion, flooding, and damage in NW IN and far SW MI. I'll probably go check out the high waves and flooding, especially since there should be some decent LES as well.
  7. Old habits die hard last winter was missed phase after missed phase. Why change that now
  8. Just now got to 1.0” in Berkley. Been sitting just south of the best FGEN banding all day except for like a 30 min burst. Also have been right on the edge of the marine air influence. Warmer by the lake comes back to bite. At least it’s November
  9. Flake size has been improving over the last hour. It’s a shame this event is happening with marginal thermos. The extra 500’ of elevation in the NW suburbs appears to be helping things stick more than downwind of the glacial ridge.
  10. Been a minute since I’ve come on here. Life has been extremely busy with finishing college. Graduate in just a couple weeks. Got my first 0.1” of snow for the season on the 16th. I was on the Lake Michigan shore for the wind/wave event on Sunday. While *quite* as impressive as what happened on Lake Erie, there were still 15-20 footers on the lake. Gusts around 60mph caused tree damage and minor structural damage. The waves lashing the shore were just insane. Definitely a little larger waves than the November 1st gale. Video:
  11. Last weekend was perfect for fall colors in Munising and Pictured Rocks. Will send a couple shots here. Going to continue to enjoy this beautiful weather before it turns colder again.
  12. Starting off October with a sweet foggy sunrise
  13. I'm very torn on whether to head up this weekend. The weather isn't looking great, but clouds can still work for fall foliage. I really want to get the fall colors with multiple waterfalls in the Pictured Rocks area (Miners Falls, Sable Falls, etc). I'm limited in my time being up in the UP because I'm doing student teaching right now. For sure next weekend, but maybe this weekend too.
  14. I do love the November storm that had widespread 8-12" totals and only a Winter Weather Advisory lol
  15. What does sat show for colors in the central part of the UP?
  16. We could've dominated a massive day on 3/28 if we ended up having the forecast moisture. So close yet so far. 5/23 was decent, but definitely could've been better. Would've been nice if the NW IL tors fully condensed. Need a Pella repeat followed by Traer the next day...with a few Rochelle and Roanoke events in IL.
  17. Yesterday’s smoky sunset at Kensington Metropark. This stretch of weather has been top shelf for doing anything outside. Image compression is really doing a number on these pics
  18. Dirty Laundry sums this up pretty well.
  19. I'm thinking Munising area this weekend (if the weather isn't bottom shelf) and then Northern Lower the next weekend. There's multiple waterfalls I want to get with fall colors.
  20. Thinking of heading up north next weekend for fall colors. Loving these crisp sunny days and cool nights.
  21. The strep tests came back negative, but both my primary doctor and Beaumont hospital urgent care suspected it was probably still strep or a similar bacterial infection. I was tested for strep on Friday, and told that if I didn't improve in a couple days to start antibiotics. Long story short, I only got worse, so I started the antibiotics on Monday. They seem to have really helped, so I assume it did end up being strep or a similar bacterial infection. I'm not 100% better, but I'm way improved over how I was on Monday.
  22. Had a scare with the virus. Got tested because of a 104F fever, terrible body pain, very bad sore throat, etc. Luckily no chest or breathing problems. The test came back negative yesterday evening luckily. Whatever I have though has worn me down to dirt. I've been doing my best with mask wearing and avoiding high risk areas. This whole situation is serious.
  23. Probably should get some waterspouts this weekend on and off starting Friday with these cold shots coming in. Should get steep lapse rates and high delta T's with 850mb temps diving below 10C.
  24. Yeesh already? Been scouting out locations in Northern Lower and the UP for fall colors this year. Going to have to make a couple weekend trips this fall.
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