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Everything posted by DDweatherman

  1. Well the gfs kept some hopes alive for a bit more improvement with 0z. Euro in an hour to see if it can improve on that horrid 12z run
  2. Little bit longer than an ass hair, maybe a beard hair?
  3. Thank god, you were running NOGAPS/cfs scores before.
  4. This threat is deader than @TSSN+’s love life in 2022.
  5. Exactly the origin of my nam troll post. Mentally the Nam wants to get it right but it just can’t help itself.
  6. It was a joke, come on. Give me a break once in a while
  7. The nam should have been even further south if you ask me lol
  8. So did I. Hope the varsity team shows similar improvement for your backyards.
  9. I'd love nothing more than complete chaos down the home stretch, honestly less because it gives more people snow and more thanks to the roller coaster. We deserve better than getting YANKED the way we did.
  10. For me, I'm thinking a C+ as of now. At 22" vs climo of approx 26.5", but tons of cold, a bunch of wintry days with snow showers and snow covered trees/yards. It felt like winter a lot of the season.
  11. 25 miles every cycle between now and gametime puts you in the bull and dc gets some snow.
  12. That happened in southern PA near me the other day. GFS showed a few inches a few runs, then a few other models, but really most had 0 at game time...had almost 2" and it was snowing heavily at 30 degrees.
  13. I think the ICON looks a bit better for the SE folks thru 54hours.
  14. I think at a high level we just have to know our backyard's climo. Everything is relative to that. It does explain why someone whos just around or north of Baltimore like a few folks here have been in an extended rut while south, east, and northwest of them has done a fair bit better. The 6" snowstorm drought for some in here is very extensive, while your area has 2 of those this season. It being an anomalous set of outcomes in the bigger picture makes recency theory rear its ugly head.
  15. I think the point that should be made is that we'd still root for you even if the storm wasn't for us. It's more the people who talk shit on the others when the storm hasn't even happened yet (that guy in richmond is a fine example), meanwhile the north/west crew doesn't usually do that in the inverse. You guys have had some really nice events out there this year and in some other years as well. Relative to climo in the last several years, I'd say you've done better than CMD.
  16. Well said, there's a storm or an ideal setup for everyone. And I kind of feel that being in the C PA thread when I split a bit of time there. I'm a stones throw from the state line and lived 90% of my life in C MD, but the climo difference now where I am vs Baltimore is maybe more substantial than here vs State College in certain events.
  17. This is definitely a horseshit post if I'm being honest. Ask @CAPE if he feels outted being east of the bridge in here.
  18. you might have lower visibility in the distance though
  19. The NAM is trying to re-embarrass itself for a 2nd or 3rd time on this system.
  20. That would be some of the funniest shit I've ever seen if it came back to DC getting a nice event. I'd be happy for yall even if I got skunked.
  21. If it wasn’t for that hour though, a lot of people would be a lot less disappointed…
  22. I love ya Fozz but no way I’m agreeing with this. March 2001 was a BECS for a couple days and then 48 hours out a rug pull, then Boxing Day and Snowquester had WSWarnings in effect when they busted. losing this 100 hours out and it being dead by 60+ hours out is way different. Yeah it sucked Saturdays 12z gfs came around then they tanked, but it’s a different class.
  23. I’m counting on you Rand, I’m not even taking a peek at it lol
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