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Everything posted by DDweatherman

  1. Canadians really weren’t that far off with this in some ways. Low pressure didn’t go over Wes’ house but the accums lines being decently NW were. Harrisburg got rocked
  2. Should finish right around 7 here on the board
  3. Probably 20:1 type dendrites in this band. Whiteout
  4. More importantly than the surface temperature forcing aligns with the 850 temps being in the go zone for great growth.
  5. Didn’t get anything crazy in ‘16? Up this way they had big rates in Jan 2021 and 3/14/17
  6. You’ll get 3” more in this last hoorah I bet
  7. This upcoming finishing act for @Bubbler86 @CASH_COOP and myself for the next 1.5-2hrs is going to be sick. It’s what gave @str8liner 3” in an hour.
  8. Gotta do another measurement soon, somewhere north of 4” out there.
  9. Just had a big gust blow a bunch off the roof. Deep winter has commenced
  10. And to be fair, you’d be the most positive person in the MA thread on most days.
  11. What better time for a joke than when we’re getting raked. I come from the snow starved lowlands of Maryland.
  12. It feels like my old screen name days temporarily as “UVVmet84” watching these sick rates and great fronto. Best rates this decade might not be an exaggeration.
  13. I think you guys will really recoup lost time the next 2-3 hours. Enjoy the crazy rates. I just took a 40 min jebber
  14. Same here. Wife’s dad put damn near a resort pool in his yard last year, saved me from ever needing one. He said he did it for the grandkids. It’s the hangout spot in the summer now being only 15 mins from us.
  15. Yes, agreed up here today too. Best in years. The big show is this last 2 hours as the h7/h85 intersect with the coastal cranking some ccb deform stuff
  16. Been here a little over 3 years now, moved in Oct ‘21. I bet you enjoyed that Jan 2021 storm I believe it was? You guys got 12+ down to Thurmont while in Westminster we had 7 or so. Then I think you also did really well in 3/14/17?
  17. I love it out there right now. 2”/hr type stuff again. Ratios have to be awesome right now. I’m just about at 900’, just wonder if being just east of this ridge aka jacks mountain impacts the microclimo
  18. It’s weird though, we are about the same elevation here. You’ve been here a lot longer than I have. Is it noticeably different? There’s this small ridge on the other side of jacks mountain next to my house (jacks mountain is what it’s called to my knowledge), but then it goes down until you get to the climb towards Blue Ridge summit. They’re at like 1300 right?
  19. I forget how close you and him are geographically even though I think when you’re in the hills you have 200 feet on him elevation wise? I’ve seen bit differences though between BRS/pen mar and smithsburg area. That notorious ft Richie 7+ report is loading
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