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Everything posted by DDweatherman

  1. Will do. I mean there are a few quite local in the actual asos/awos network. RSP, Camp David, I think even raven rock has a code?
  2. Maybe it was mesonet too that I was looking at. Are they all at airports and public spaces?
  3. I think so too. Love some old fashioned overrunning. I prefer "easier" ways to win. This deep winter day after a 7" snow is awesome. That's what I went with after the extra bands last night and this morning. Another spotter from CV sent in 7 on the CTP PNS, sounds about right.
  4. I sit on an acre here, wasn't sure if there were property reqs or if one is nearby they wouldn't need the redundancy. I am familiar with CoCo for the most part. You might know him, we knew Brad terpguy who was a big cocorahs advocate.
  5. 7.0" on the dot yesterday bringing the season total to 17.2". More than some around me, but not as much as those damn Fort Ritchie/Sabillasville/Cascade folks who probably have 20-22".
  6. @Eskimo Joe can anyone who has vested weather interest participate in the co-op program? What are property requirements & things like that? I'm just curious since I know you've played a big part locally.
  7. Thanks Jon, looking at the snow history in your sig. 20.3 in May 2023 to "save" that really lousy year a little. Was that in one storm?
  8. Mitch is looking at 300 hr maps in the MA threads
  9. @nj2va @jonjon what are you guys at for the season in the upslope regions?
  10. I will say down in the mountain upslope regions those numbers are light. Some spots are at 100” this season
  11. I can actually confirm the pink over my hills is accurate. Cracked 17 for the season so far
  12. I was going to say, these are ML more than they are AI to me. Training models.
  13. Nice squall just moved through. 17 degrees and dropping with some winds picking up. Looks like about 1/4” the last 20-30 mins with that squall. Rates and growth in all of the recent squalls have been LES like. Sadly that might be the last of the day. last night we had a nice streamer develop over us that added at least half to possibly 3/4” in about an hour and a half. Little more this morning and during nooners.
  14. Nice squall right now, 17 degrees.
  15. When’s it gonna snow next people? Any chance we get something tomorrow squall wise?
  16. Anyone in the squalls north of Frederick this morning? Pretty good feed across Walkersville and the northern burbs.
  17. The dynamics and rates were definitely there. The damn cold being a little slow lesson prevailed for sure.
  18. Sorry this one didn’t pan out as well for folks South and East of me. Thought I helped bring some juju for a nice event, but the last minute game time shift cost a lot of folks and models didn’t do well with it.
  19. Might have added .5” here. Had 6.25 before it came in. Still light snow.
  20. I suspect about 6" as Shippensburg reported 6.
  21. @CASH_COOP @Bubbler86 what’s totals looking like?
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