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Everything posted by DDweatherman

  1. Where’s the Clarksburg folk that always get a good band and stay 2 degrees colder than you down there?
  2. Better than last GFS run and similar to NAM is what he means. Not sure I agree to that extent, but gfs has improved again it seems.
  3. Not expecting much from the gfs when that does come here shortly, but 6z was headed in a better direction at least. Like bob, love what I see on the icon.
  4. Thoughts on where to take the Jeep down to later this afternoon? Closer to CHO or RIC?
  5. Virga or not the 3k nam is a decent north shift from its last two runs, no doubt about that.
  6. Hey, we won't forget the storm that the JMA got for us, the ole 2006 MECS correct?
  7. I mean it is the JMA, yes it means very little, but it can't possibly hurt to have it where it does. Shows there's still run to run variance in SOME modeling. The NAM being north also means little, but again if we're going to see any type of trend start, then this is how it has to happen lol.
  8. Jay I'm at the office, do you have 0z at 108?
  9. Positive takeaway if there is one is that it showed that bump north with a pretty mundane evolution at the upper levels overall. If it were more amped like a few of the others with the s/w, we could have a more robust and a bit "norther" outcome.
  10. It is a pretty decent little bump northward.
  11. Unfortunately, I'd say 12z today was a step back from 0z, more like yesterday's 12z run which didn't make any friends around the metros.
  12. 0z was a decent tick north with features overall and a sloppy-ish phase with the N/s bowling ball diving in. I'd say so far this 12z looks like its not going to be much improvement if any over 0z, don't think it'll make the phase work (i.e. the GEM)
  13. The 6z EPS was very promising from a graphic I saw on Maue's page this morning, lots of lows tucked closely into the coast, right off ORF. Mean snowfall in DC was an increase, but there were also a number of lows inland over NC and the Potomac.
  14. For me id say Feb 5/6, 2010 PD2 December 2009/January 1996 January 25,2000 January 2016
  15. Just think this, I am 20 and have experienced 10"+ events on 1/26/11, 2/13/14, 12/19/09, 2/5/10, 2/10/10, 2/12/06, 1/25/00, 1/7/96, and PDII 11,14,20,32,21,14,19/20,26, and 34. Impressive I'd say.
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