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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. I had thoughts about letting it stay - but didn't want to risk it with a Golden and a toddler.
  2. I paid $160 for a guy to remove a bald-face hornets nest from my maple tree in the front yard. It was massive..and given what I saw him do..and the amount of effort it took..I do not recommend it as a DIY either, especially a nest that is inside your house. He was getting lit up when he disturbed it, though obviously with the proper protective gear
  3. .67 some lightning and some thunder. nothing crazy
  4. exclusive footage of NH's tornado safety training and prep course.
  5. Nothing here. Watering the lawn so I can drop some fall fert.
  6. Yeah you make the Gen Y/millennial cutoff before Gen Z starts. Gen Y is currently 25-40yo https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/01/health/young-old-millennial-partner/index.html
  7. Older millenial here. Not the same as young millenial.
  8. Yes..those higher totals (6-8") were a bit further east in Fairhaven/Mattapoiset, with another max on the upper cape. Otherwise a general 4-6"
  9. I just looked at the radar estimates, which were between 4-6" in that area. 9.5" is an extreme outlier..so yea I doubt that now.
  10. Yea was agreeing with you..but I suppose a random 9'er can't be ruled out like at EWB. The convection was silly
  11. Actually, just looked at the PNS..tons of reports between 7-8 all over. This was a special storm.
  12. Yeah. I'm a bit north of this report but: Station Name: Sandwich 1.5 SSE Observation Date 9/2/2021 7:00 AM Submitted 9/02/2021 7:33 AM Total Precip Amount 6.73 in. Based on radar..wouldn't be surprised with some 7-8" amounts in some spots.
  13. Slept through the tornado warning and 100 missed texts. Oops
  14. Not sure how accurate but wouldn't be shocked
  15. Just lost power for a minute. This is intense
  16. When model noise becomes a positive trend in your mind, you become a subject of one of Tip's freudian posts.
  17. Like I mentioned yesterday, when Brian938402048 weenied me - looks like a tor threat on the south coast
  18. The CMC shows Larry missing the weakness in the ridge to the north as another one builds in. We'll see if other models start showing that but it's the outlier attm
  19. I'm all for this trending north, and me warm sectoring with some storms and spinners
  20. This storm would suck in winter. I guess its close to a SWFE appeal, but it's a classic correction towards more north/amped with each run late in the game.
  21. They do get pretty violent around mating season. A lot of limping turkeys in late winter
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