Some of those claiming long COVID could be just having wouldn't be surprised if their is overlap. But it is very real. My wife was getting 'brain zaps' for about a month straight which wouldn't allow her to fall asleep out of fear. These were physical, not mental. She still feels buzzing in her head every night, but to a lesser degree. She cannot fully exert herself yet without feeling out of breath, to this day. That's only a couple of the symptoms, including tingling in the hands/feet, and basic nerve issues.
We have Abnormal EEG's to back it up, and a myriad of other elevated test results like Cytokine panels..but it's still hard to prove a connection literally, other than it all happened after a mild case with flu like symptoms last March and a tight chest. However, as you should be aware..viruses can trigger downstream effects, like auto-immune reactions that are indirectly brought out by a virus. This one
I read a few theories that the OG Covid (alpha, (the virus that likely escaped the Wuhan Lab) seems to have caused most of the long-covid patients..and perhaps the mutated versions have not resulted in as many long-covid patients. I don't know why though.
I will say she has also had a swollen throat for the past two months. We initially thought it was allergies, but doubtful given the medication hasn't worked.